Example sentences of "no [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 There would be no resort to devaluation .
2 Christian preachers attempted , without much success , to persuade their congregations to fast while inebriated pagans feasted and to give alms to the very poor who could give no present in return . )
3 My hon. Friend is mistaken in including freight in her remarks , because the Bill contains no proposals on freight .
4 The Commission has made it clear that it has no proposals for guide prices on coal contracts or for Community subsidies for coal production .
5 Mr. Grist : There are no proposals at present for the re-establishment of the Mid-Wales health authority .
6 However , turning turning to Selby 's demand led approach which I would call it , and I think that is erm how they themselves in fact describe it , they have set a level of two hundred and two hundred to two hundred a fifty hectares based on demand , and as I understand it there is no assessment of job need or job demand to back that requirement .
7 He had another good chance when a high ball landed at his feet at the 18 yard line with no defenders in front of him .
8 It may well happen that the student in considering this comes to the conclusion that there is no contract between Pickwick and Podder .
9 Fujitsu has reportedly been working on a 75MHz part supposedly called Tsunami Plus for some time but still has no contract with Sun ( UX No 373 ) .
10 If the buyer does not commit himself to acquire ownership of the goods there is no contract of sale and indeed it is inaccurate to describe him as ‘ buyer . ’
11 Until then there was no purchase and no contract of sale .
12 Indeed , throughout the story of the Shah 's last year , recollections differ enormously , There is no one version on which everyone agrees , no single destination , no unity of perception or goal .
13 Yet there was no unity within ecology , just as there was no unity in the life sciences generally .
14 No change at Chilton
15 This survey shows that many patients received no follow up and no change to treatment despite experiencing an asthma attack .
16 The Plowden Report on Children and their Primary Schools ( 1967 ) recommended no change to section 76 , but said that parents should be given some choice whenever this was possible .
17 It seems to me quite certain that , if for four centuries there had been a very widely extended franchise and a very large elected body in this country , there would have been no reformation of religion , no change of dynasty , no toleration of Dissent , not even an accurate Calendar .
18 Slowly , with no change of expression , Bert buttered bread , then sat down .
19 There was still no response , no change of expression .
20 Monotony is often caused because the voice is ‘ all on one note ’ and has no change of tone .
21 With no change of tone he asked , ‘ Do you like the colour ? ’
22 Our gold and dollar reserves are sound , and we can look forward with confidence to the future — provided that there is no change of Government .
23 They had no change of clothing and those they wore were never washed .
24 But the sources said that so far there had been no change of plan .
25 In February 1965 the first annual general meeting of the association saw some changes of officers and in the membership of the executive committee , but no change of direction nor amy indication of a breakthrough .
26 But there will be no change of direction until Mr Major is convinced that there must be .
27 In religious matters the restoration of monarchy was followed by the decisive establishment of the power of the Church of England , and in constitutional questions Charles showed that he was much more resigned to the need to work with Parliament than either Charles I or Cromwell had been , but in colonial affairs there was no change of direction , though the new government may have been able to follow its policy with more continuity than its predecessor .
28 At Sotheby 's , Peggy Auchincloss , managing director of financial services , noted that their firm planned no change of direction .
29 There was no change of luck , no change of direction in the second half .
30 He rode on toward her with no change of pace , getting quite close before he spoke .
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