Example sentences of "more [adj] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is all the more striking a testimony to the power of natural selection , therefore , that numerous examples can be found in real nature , in which independent lines of evolution appear to have converged , from very different starting points , on what looks very like the same endpoint .
2 If we conceive of the least pleasant experience which is still a pleasure , then one way of quantifying its intensity would be by characterising the number of times more pleasant a pleasure is at a particular moment than that .
3 But advertisers love it — it means more air time to sell products because the more popular a show is , the more people watch the ads .
4 The more adequate a man feels , the less likely he is to seek an outside sex partner in order to prove something to himself .
5 The current emphasis upon ‘ empowerment ’ , and the belief that ‘ the more self-empowered a person becomes , the more able he or she will be to enable others to be the same ’ ( Fenton and Hughes 1989 : 19 ) , is effecting a shift in approach generally , and in my own personal practice , from a passive model of students .
6 And the more unstable a relationship is , the less likely it is that contraception will be used .
7 Those who defend the kinship bond find more acceptable a situation where , say , a child may maintain an active relationship with his [ or her ] natural parents while living with foster-parents , or may even remain in contact with them after adoption .
8 One would think that the more rigid a doctrine the more brittle it should be .
9 To those who hold the view that " the more liberal a subject is , the more useless it is " , history must have appeared as the jewel in the non-utilitarian crown .
10 The more autonomous a field is , the greater the extent to which production in that field is only for other producers and not for consumers in the social field ( or field of power ) .
11 Pop 's prime mover is narcissism , always will be , and so self-pity is more crucial a pop response than altruism .
12 There is no more dangerous a condition than that of boredom , nor , to my mind , a more wicked one .
13 The more Tory a ward , the more the party 's vote fell : hence the stunning loss of seats .
14 With time , as it became more lucrative a country for people to come , obviously the country had to be more restrictive about providing the nationality .
15 The more pervasive a structure becomes in a given context , the more difficult it becomes for speakers and writers to select other structures or to depict events differently .
16 And there is no more constant a reminder to her than her experiences teaching in special needs schools and her present job as adult education tutor at Ashworth .
17 All of these trends promote and/or accelerate podzolisation which in turn promotes leaching of iron and aluminium and the more acidic a soil profile becomes , the more decomposition of organic material is inhibited .
18 If this is so , it should follow that the more gratifying a mother 's physical-care practices are , the greater should be the child 's developing attachment to her .
19 Butler and Stokes ' surveys even suggest that part of the electoral swing to the Tories was for no more substantial a reason than the belief among some electors in the ‘ circulation of the parties ’ , i.e. the sentiment that ‘ it 's time the other party had a go ’ .
20 Crimes of violence , for example , are by and large one poor person hitting another poor person — and in almost half these instances it is a man hitting his wife or lover … the more vulnerable a person is economically and socially the more likely it is that both working class and white-collar crime will occur against them ( Matthews and Young , 1986 , p. 23 ) .
21 Lexandro waited patiently within the suit which made him so much more awesome a giant while armiger techs and biomedics , uttering incantations , completed their checks on the trio of warriors in a ribvaulted barbican giving access to the practice deck .
22 ‘ Bernie has made F1 viable , but the more powerful a man becomes , the less he listens .
23 Since conventionalism is at best no more powerful a conception of law than pragmatism , this marriage would hardly improve the case for the latter .
24 The more complex a society and the more varied the skills possessed by its members , the greater the need for institutions deliberately designed to effect the formal dissemination of specialised skills and knowledge — educational establishments like schools , colleges and universities .
25 As a general rule , the more complex a society becomes the less often military intervention is likely to occur .
26 Sometimes it seems more appropriate to describe tonic stress placement in terms of ‘ information content ’ : the more predictable a word 's occurrence is in a given context , the lower its information content is , and tonic stress will tend to be placed on words with high information content .
27 Is n't she rather attractive , the girl harpist : has he noticed the bend of her white swan neck , the discreet flicker of her fingers ; wondered how the neck would seem , the fingers flicker , in more intimate a situation ?
28 Bias is a problem in all aspects of social research and no more important a case of bias problems can be found than in sampling .
29 The better and more diverse they were , then the greater the area of influence which could be ‘ captured ’ , and correspondingly the more important a site in the economic and urban hierarchy .
30 In cost-benefit analysis , the more important a site is in conservation terms , the smaller the monetary value placed on it when calculating likely compensation payments to be incurred by a road scheme .
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