Example sentences of "more [adv] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Smaller sub-samples , totalling approximately 120 , will be studied more intensively by home interviews and telephone contact .
2 Later the word was applied somewhat more loosely to capital letters and others of large size , introduced in the fifth to eighth centuries .
3 The setting is nearly as horrible as the inn-parlour in Great Expectations — and each is perhaps more acutely in love than any character in English fiction since Pip .
4 It might have been better to handle the sale more discreetly through dealer Angela Nevill , but either way they could never fetch the prices Bond paid for them ’ .
5 Paul and Ben Pritchard fared slightly more amenably with Food , E6 6b which takes a direct line on Graduation Ceremony and was climbed with CT 's Speed Feed in Holyhead in mind !
6 Go much more slowly if the road is wet or icy or first drive more slowly at night , remember it can be especially difficult to see pedestrians or cyclists at night and in poor daylight conditions , do not break , sharply , except in an emergency .
7 Manufacturers in plastics looking for a new aquatic widget are invited to contact Iwan Davies for details of his O 2 Enhancer which he has designed to spread water more effectively over trickle filter media .
8 A study was undertaken by one of the authors in 1977 to investigate how trade exhibitions could be used more effectively as part of a communications programme , and the summary of the results of this study forms the remainder of this section ( Lancaster and Baron , 1977 ) .
9 It sounds like you may benefit from looking at some time management strategies for coping more effectively at work , and also looking at how you could be more assertive in order to limit the demands colleagues make on you .
10 In recent months there has been a lively debate — much of it behind the scenes — into how the hospitality industry can speak more effectively to Government .
11 A Department of Agriculture might function more effectively for agriculture if it did not take on , unnecessarily and confusingly , a role in food marketing .
12 broadsheet because we can display photographs much more effectively on broadsheet and of course we 'll have colour .
13 I dare say their dabblings in a wide pool of indie noise styles would gel more effectively on record , but tonight it 's just directionless and dull .
14 On the one hand are those adult educators who see in it exciting possibilities to extend the concept of adult learning , making it more relevant to the issues and problems facing ‘ disadvantaged ’ groups , helping them to participate more effectively in society , gaining more recognition and resources , removing gross inequalities and injustices .
15 When I say we will invest in the young , I mean , for example , that we 'll invest far more effectively in education and training .
16 It is difficult to avoid the impression that we , as a profession , and the Institute in particular , have so far been too willing to accept unwarranted criticism in the past and that we must respond far more effectively in future if we are to limit the damage caused by corporate failures .
17 As was noted above , it has been this neglect of the loan period factor ( and consequent confusion between APR and actual money cost of credit ) which has in practice proved an obstacle to Americans using their growing awareness of APRs to shop more discriminatingly for credit .
18 People expect that the cheque-book will be opened more discriminatingly in future , that the alliance between the Gulf states will be strengthened , and that Egypt will be the principal regional ally .
19 However , there are also plenty of serif and sans serif faces which can be used more widely for body text and headlines in ordinary business documents .
20 Second , education must move towards studies based more widely on coursework .
21 The schoolfellows had been appointed to the Racer together through the efforts of a family friend of the Rogerses , and they serve together for much of their time at sea , occasionally allotted to different ships so as to give the author freedom to range more widely in space and circumstance .
22 Jefferson , a comparative radical among the constitution makers , proposed , for his own state of Virginia , measures to distribute land more widely in order to enfranchise as many as possible of the male and free population .
23 Some contamination by heavy metals was detected , notably in the industrial areas of Fife , and also more widely by tin .
24 More widely within society , it is argued , competitive individualism challenges collectivism ; the provision of services through the state is abandoned in favour of privatization so expanding again the sphere of potential profit-making .
25 The walls were normally constructed of Kentish ragstone , with or without tile bonding courses , or more rarely of brick ; some , though , were constructed with clay , a not uncommon feature in the south-east of Britain .
26 At sea the question of the salute allegedly owed by vessels , both merchant and naval , of one power to those of another , by firing a salvo , by lowering their colours , or more rarely by half-lowering some of their sails , was the equivalent of these struggles for precedence on land .
27 As for Pepys , there are curious parallels : both maverick MPs who did almost the same job trying to reform Britain 's armed forces — Pepys more successfully at sea ; both irreverent , yet painfully conscious of their need to keep their patrons sweet ; both hedonists fascinated by sex , class and gossip .
28 He transferred his mastery of comic timing and expression more successfully to film than many British comedians .
29 One of the earlier attempts to account for this residual precession was by the astronomer Le Verrier , to whom I shall introduce you more properly in Chapter 13 .
30 More importantly off season holidays when there are no children around .
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