Example sentences of "than they had be " in BNC.

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1 In the bathroom he peered in the mirror at the creases on his forehead ; surely they were deeper than they had been yesterday .
2 However , Sheila Payne , from the Department of Psychology , University of Exeter , has discovered that women being treated for breast or ovarian cancer were much more anxious half-way through their treatment than they had been at the beginning .
3 The Fortresses and Liberators of the USAAF , escorted by long-range fighters , were penetrating the defences — which were now much more formidable than they had been in 1940/41 .
4 Too many studios had been built in Britain during the production boom and , at a time when filmmakers were anyway keener than they had been hitherto to get out among ordinary people , they found they were no longer constrained by anxious accountants determined to maximize the use of studio space .
5 Trade unions were in fact in a much stronger position in 1933 than they had been in 1921 or 1922 .
6 There were clearly changes occurring , and the borderlines between social classes , never very clear at the best of times , were probably less precise than they had been before the First World War — though class barriers were by no means collapsing in the real world of health , education and social opportunity .
7 Some new measures had , of course , been necessary , but on the whole changes brought about by the war were less incisive than they had been in 1914 .
8 Nevertheless , though the currents of genuine popular opinion are now even more difficult to evaluate than they had been earlier , given the intensified persecution from 1942 onwards of even relatively trivial ‘ offences ’ of criticizing the regime or ‘ subverting ’ the wartime ordinances , every sign points towards the growth in this period of a ‘ silent majority ’ increasingly critical of the Nazi regime — even if the criticism was often only obliquely expressed — and ready to blame it for the mounting miseries of the war .
9 FoE 's surveyors , said Last , were ‘ entitled to more rigorous answers ’ than they had been given .
10 He thought that they would be happier under the cockpit awning than they had been in the water .
11 It is a decay that became inevitable when the infamous Beeching Plan substituted the crass motif of economic viability for that of communal need , and ripped out the steel vertebrae of the nation , leaving whole areas more isolated than they had been at any time since the eighteenth century .
12 We would like to point out that many people at the centre told us that the attitudes we had encountered were less prevalent now than they had been in the past , and would continue to diminish .
13 My legs were steadier than they had been the night before but they still dithered weakly .
14 On the street , a hush below : from a festive air to witnessing a hanging , the crowd — two , three hundred strong , men , women and children ; much , a lot of them , richer than they had been before — looked mutely on .
15 After a year , the homoeopathically treated group was substantially better than the aspirin group , with two thirds of the patients better than they had been at the start of the trial , while none of the patients on aspirin had improved and most of them had dropped out , either because of unacceptable side-effects , or because the treatment was ineffective .
16 There were other reasons for insecurity , too : no matter how much material prosperity had come a family 's way , there was still every chance that illness or a premature death might send them all back down a snake at a much faster speed than they had been able to climb up a ladder .
17 Ingram has found that in many parts of southern England the levels of these practices were much higher in the 1620s and 1630s than they had been in the middle years of Elizabeth 's reign ; and Jeremy Boulton has discovered that between 80 and 98 per cent of all the potential communicants of two large suburban parishes in London were receiving annual communion during the late Elizabethan and Jacobean periods-a very high proportion by any standards .
18 Money was now plentiful in her home , thanks to Michael 's employing her brothers in his business , while the majority of the people in Lancaster Road wore still no better off than they had been before the war .
19 The British emerged from their wars against Louis XIV in a calmer flame of mind than they had been in during the disturbed and excited seventeenth century .
20 Although there had been brief conflicts between England and France in the reigns of Edward I and Edward II , the reasons for war were now much more substantial than they had been in 1294 or 1324 , and the will to war on the part of the king , if not yet on the part of most of the nobility , was much more apparent .
21 But the fly in the ointment , from the princes ' point of view , lay in the fact that their advantages were now more widely shared than they had been in the past .
22 Her nights were calmer than they had been .
23 Freud came to see , later , that human beings are not predisposed to admit that they are organisms which die and are destructive any more than they had been prepared to admit that young children , under five years of age , were sexual .
24 But , as Mosley noted with satisfaction , these supporters were no more use to their new leader than they had been to the BUF .
25 Working-class girls were probably less socially protected than they had been in pre-industrial communities , and a variety of influences could come into play , including the temptation of the streets .
26 Henry VII continued this exploitation of the Crown estates , which were far more extensive than they had been in 1433 .
27 In this new environment women were more frequently allowed to inherit property than they had been earlier , though inevitably the more they were heiresses the more those men who had power over them — uncles or guardians — regarded them as marketable assets .
28 In the first place , the ownership of land and the occupation of farms was concentrated into far fewer hands in the eighteenth century than they had been in the medieval village .
29 The irony was that the economic returns expected from the reforms were hardly gained at all , and the railways were really no nearer paying their way by the end of 1966 than they had been in 1962 .
30 We cut our way through these and , following our python-hunters , who now seemed considerably less enthusiastic about the venture than they had been when they first suggested it , we slid down coconut ropes to the sinkhole floor and to the forbidding cobwebbed entrances which extended from its walls .
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