Example sentences of "than at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The register may be kept at the company 's registered office or at another office of the company or at the office of professional registrars to which the company has delegated this task , but , if kept otherwise than at the company 's registered office , notice must be given to the Registrar of the place where it is kept and of any change of that place .
2 They were noticeably more outspoken than at the outset .
3 When the subject of education was brought up and it was pointed out that the girl had not been going to school he said that she was not learning anything at school anyway , that she was much safer here than at the school she had been to , where she had been threatened with knives in the playground and that she could learn all a wife needed to know better at home .
4 Laboratory tests have shown that the rates of oxygen uptake and amounts of muscle effort that volunteers could develop tend to be greater in the daytime than at the night .
5 ‘ I expect you would be a good judge of that , ’ she snapped , hating the fact that she felt less annoyed at finding him in the room than at the thought of all the other women he was comparing her to .
6 Both the P-E Inbucon annual survey of executive salaries , and the much smaller Jonathan Wren city salary survey , confirm that salary increases have been bigger at the top end of business and the City than at the bottom .
7 This page and View from City Road , page 33 Pay rises : Two surveys show that pay is rising faster at the top end of the scales than at the bottom .
8 The industry 's reaction to news of the Novell/USL negotiations ( UX No 398 ) is less one of surprise at the possibility that Novell might effectively buy Unix than at the timing .
9 If there is a twist to the plot , then it is nowhere more apparent than at the window management level where , it seems , Hewlett-Packard Co is determined to make its Visual User Environment stick .
10 If there is a twist to the plot , then it is nowhere more apparent than at the window management level where , it seems , Hewlett-Packard is determined to make its Visual User Environment stick .
11 If , for example , the landlord has the right to break at the expiry of the twelfth year of the term , rather than at the expiry of the fourteenth year of the term , the tenant 's right to compensation on quitting may be halved .
12 There are situations where the reciprocal of a rate would make more sense than the original rate : ergonomists , for example , might find it more natural to look at the time it takes a person to produce a fixed number of items rather than at the output a person produces from a machine in a fixed period of time .
13 The officer 's undress headgear was a dark blue visored forage cap of ‘ pill-box ’ shape : ‘ … the diameter at the top slightly less than at the base , the height 3¼ inches all round ; …
14 Here the colour tones overall , are more subdued than at the Cornmarket auction , with a multitude of tweed or tan flat caps and Lincolnshire green ‘ wellies ’ , bodywarmers and anoraks .
15 With his accountant 's help he eventually moved his accounts to the Midland , which gave him the overdraft on reasonable terms , but he is critical of the way banks look at small businesses , believing that many only look at the business sector rather than at the person running a particular business .
16 The legislation is aimed principally at those who present or direct plays rather than at the person who actually performs them ; the latter commits an offence only if without reasonable excuse he performs otherwise than in accordance with the director 's instructions .
17 The critical Marxist position , then , takes ideology as a concept formulable at the level of the mode of production , considered as a set of underlying structures , rather than at the level of class or social group .
18 The possibility that this sort of information is represented across an array of cells , rather than at the level of the single unit does , however , mean that single cell recording alone will not give us a useful answer .
19 What is needed , as one of his followers has pointed out , is an account of theories which deals with changes ‘ at the level of the limits and consequences of the epistemological configuration they represent ’ , rather than at the level of individuals .
20 In the main , therefore , its ideologies are to be found in the form of its embodied working practices and unquestioned assumptions rather than at the level of manifest policy statements .
21 This racist behaviour is rational , because such strategies of social closure are logically consistent with the aims of protecting white privilege , and this can best be done through organized forms of discrimination , rather than at the level of individual expressions of prejudice .
22 Yet , first , that outcome of specialization which is an assumed general division between those who create and perform and those who merely receive is not significantly greater at this level of material techniques than at the level of systems of training of inherent resources .
23 This in fact repeats more generally what was stated with regard to environmental competence by Article 130R(4) of the EEC Treaty , inserted by the Single European Act , under which ‘ the Community shall take action relating to the environment to the extent to which the objectives … can be attained better at Community level than at the level of the individual Member States ’ , a provision which does not yet appear to have been the object of scrutiny by the European Court of Justice .
24 The differences between male and female connotations are really located at the level of semantics ( that is the level of meaning ) rather than at the level of syntax .
25 In particular , since oscillation is avoided if the phase shift is less than at the frequency at which falls to unity , it follows that a negative-feedback amplifier involving just first-order networks is stable if the slope of the plot of versus is less than 12dB per octave as the condition is approached .
26 Temperatures at the lake-beds in about 6 m depths were higher than at the surface when ice was present , rising from 1°C in mid-May to about 3°C in late July .
27 The American experience of Rolling Stone and Creem had shown that there was an enthusiastic market for a new way of writing about music ; working on the assumption that readers were literate , broad-minded and critical in their evaluation of music rather than at the mercy of pop trends .
28 Pious shock and horror was expressed at this frailty in the face of temptation — far more so than at the evidence that men behaved in the same way .
29 And I see companions and conviviality as much more on the sidelines of life than at the centre .
30 It should be stressed that the boundaries of one scientific discipline very often overlap those of another and advances are made at these boundaries rather than at the centre .
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