Example sentences of "than for a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Guys like Stefan and Boris will be more pumped up for that than for a preparation tournament . ’
2 What can be easier than for a manufacturer to limit his sales to those members of the public who fulfil the qualification of being this or doing that ?
3 In fact , even in the lower key , the tessitura of the part is much more comfortable for a countertenor than for a soprano .
4 Reaching 50 caused Claire Gallois to turn against this way of conducting things and against the world in which ageing is much more cruel for a woman than for a man .
5 It is very difficult to give any precise figures to illustrate or establish this ; but a rough count of the twelfth-century marriages noted in three volumes of the Complete Peerage reveals that among the English upper classes of the twelfth century it was much commoner for a lady to have two or more husbands than for a man to have two or more wives ; in the cases noted , almost twice as common ( 36 to 19 ) .
6 ‘ Better for a horse than for a man , ’ said Mrs Yaxlee with relish .
7 Are there disadvantages in sharing income to benefit from allowance , rather than for a wife to claim a refund of tax paid on interest or dividends when her income is insufficient to take advantage of the allowances in full ?
8 The A G M , the last two years people have said well there 's not a great deal of point in coming along other than for a drink because er the committee 's got it all sorted out , you know , beforehand as regards who 's doing what .
9 This would seem to preclude any direction being given to a taxing master other than for a taxation on a standard basis or an indemnity basis .
10 We should not , however , expect a question for the initial verb alone since this is only possible in English for verbs which describe something as being , in some as yet ill-defined sense , " done " to their objects : ( 69 ) what did Rafferty do to the cistern ? and this can not be claimed for the verbs preceding clausal adjectives any more than for a verb which precedes an explicit subordinate clause .
11 Dickens 's Will Fern , with first-hand knowledge of life inside one , complains of this female tendency : ‘ It looks well in a picter , I 've heerd say ; but there a n't weather in picters , and maybe ‘ t is fitter for that than for a place to live in . ’
12 Matilda later reported that as her father tore off her veil , he swore ‘ that he had destined me as a wife for Count Alan rather than for a community of nuns ’ .
13 The teacher 's relation with a child is much more intense and long-lasting than for a teacher of a normal child , since they will be together in close contact during a longer period of growth .
14 However , this is more surely an argument for adequate preparation than for a refusal to appear .
15 ‘ Even sadder than for a woman .
16 We argued in this chapter for an interactive model of these two kinds of processing rather than for a model in which syntactic and semantic analyses are carried out independently .
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