Example sentences of "than the [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 When the motor is accelerating from rest the stepping rates are low ; the period of each phase excitation interval is much longer than the electrical time constant of the phase circuit .
2 And it was a lot easier than the first time .
3 Nothing can be more exciting than the first time that you are given some flowers , and particularly red roses .
4 It was less acrimonious than the first time , but much more painful .
5 It was worse than the first time .
6 They were , if that was possible , even more ferocious than the first time he had kissed her .
7 I dared not even glance at " Happy " , but to add insult to injury I gave the order " About turn ! " and they repeated the gazelle-like jump even better than the first time .
8 She did n't know ; all she knew was that she adored him more than before and she wanted him more desperately , therefore inevitably she was going to be more hurt than the first time .
9 I wonder how many of you battled on for much longer than the allocated time or got demoralised and gave up ?
10 As a consequence , the claims missed the normal weekly batch-processing of data into the organisation 's mainframe computer , and the subsequent delay in receiving the expenses cheques was greater than the actual time taken to reprocess the forms within the section .
11 The quality of care given during the visits matters more than the actual time spent with them .
12 Mighty Mogul eventually justified odds of 100-30 on , coming home six lengths clear from Ambuscade in a race that took over 12 minutes to complete , almost eight minutes longer than the standard time .
13 We drank tea , and very often I would arrive some five to ten minutes earlier than the appointed time , so the maid would tell me that I was to wait as madame was still resting .
14 If you hit your stride and get a rhythm going , you may feel comfortable going on a little longer than the minimum times .
15 The recovery time should be rather longer than the running time , but can be reduced as you get fitter .
16 There is n't anyone left in this club who reads anything more demanding than the Racing Times or tits and bums magazines .
17 If the remaining air time is less than the no-stop time required , the cylinder content display flashes air time .
18 Unfortunately , the emphasis of current initiatives on waiting lists tends to be on reducing the wait for surgery rather than the waiting time for an appointment at an outpatient clinic .
19 You can extend this time if necessary to have it happen at a suitably dramatic moment ; the staging of the event is more important than the exact time .
20 ( The dynamical friction time varies inversely with the galaxy mass and must be less than the cosmological time . )
21 These packages are cheaper than the basic time cost , since they take away the advertiser 's control over when the ad is to appear .
22 If it is proposed to make employees redundant , it is suggested that the vendor should commence consultation with the unions no later than the same time as the statutory consultation period imposed upon him by the Trade Union and Labour Relations ( Consolidation ) Act 1992 , s188 .
23 I suspect they 're better at this stage than the same time last year .
24 Actually , she looked better than the last time Anne had seen her alive .
25 ‘ We have a quality street team to welcome the Aussies , ’ said Probyn , ‘ and I intend to go one better than the last time I faced them — the World Cup final 12 months ago . ’
26 The net effect is that , each time , the perihelion is a little further round than the last time — or , to put it another way , the perihelion advances .
27 ‘ You do n't look a day older than the last time I worked with you . ’
28 He smiled wider than the last time .
29 Magwitch seemed quieter and more likeable than the last time I had seen him .
30 His gravelly Scots voice pleased her more than the last time she met him .
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