Example sentences of "my own [noun sg] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Had my own heart broken by one inquisitive straight lady , way back in my desperate youth .
2 I could hear my own heart thumping and beating .
3 I was letting my own hair grow too .
4 My own landlord did , in fairness , give me veiled offers of money ( bribes ) to move elsewhere but in all honesty I simply was n't streetwise enough to figure out what exactly he had in mind .
5 My own preference has always been for the rough-coated variety since these can withstand weather and rough going very much better .
6 My own preference has been made clear .
7 The sleeping-car attendant sighed deeply at so much opulent femininity and philosophically returned to his roomette , and I went on up the train into the next car , where my own bed lay .
8 Benjamin became lost in his own thoughts so I left him alone and lay on my own bed thinking about Mathilda until the bell sounded for supper .
9 An example might be , from a spellcaster , ‘ I have come to study the magic atop the tower , my own master wishes to fortify his own Castle with a similar protection .
10 As I had come to know a number of rectors and vicars in the course of my journeys , for reasons which I have mentioned , Eliot questioned me about what he felt might he a mounting danger , namely that the Church might seek to increase by chauvinism what it appeared to be losing in spirituality : and indeed the vicar of my own village had been upbraided by a group of parishioners for not preaching sermons directly furthering the war effort , which Eliot said was tantamount to making him into an unpaid official of the MOI .
11 ‘ I could not see one of my own kind suffer , ’ he said , ‘ or leave her to be attacked by crows ’
12 Why did n't I go home to my own country taking with me the sheet which bore the stains of my virginity .
13 ‘ I 've seen my own country laid waste and no one seeming to care .
14 My own country has been a battleground for centuries .
15 Six years ago I had my own head examined by the most distinguished of this country 's living phrenologists and was provided with a six-page report of quite startling accuracy .
16 ‘ Mind you , ’ he added , ‘ I 've seen my own stuff flogged off in the market here .
17 I looked down and suddenly realised I had forgotten to bring my own umbrella to work that morning .
18 My own system required the use of two program which had to be loaded independently .
19 My own company operates in more than seventy countries , and we employ more people in other parts of the world than we do in our homeland , the United Kingdom .
20 My own company sued me , did n't you know ?
21 My own company has for many years had the ambition to have our business spread in rough proportion to the pattern of chemical demand in the world market .
22 Paradoxically , my own company has always given plenty of headroom , but not everyone perceived it thus .
23 ‘ If I use my own money to buy a plough , will you supply the horses and let me spend two or three days a week hiring out to those with new lands ?
24 Darwinism destroys the presumption that a separate organism functions primarily to preserve itself ( as do simpler homeostatic systems which do not reproduce ) ; it shows me that even at the biological level my spontaneity only secondarily and partially serves myself , and invites the reflection that behaving consistently to my own advantage became conceivable only with the clarification of my viewpoint in contrast with others , which in turn implies that I have been assuming other viewpoints from the beginning of self-consciousness .
25 But when I get through , even my own voice sounds strange and mechanical ; an air hostess for British Airways , an operator for British Telecom .
26 I hear my own voice breaking the gloomy silence .
27 When I awoke and started getting ready for my classes , which now passed mechanically , as if in a vacuum , the students suspended in time and space , and my own voice seeming to come from somewhere a long , long way away , I would write a poem for you as a kind of incantation to bring you back that day :
28 I shall then draw on my own experience to explore which of these two approaches seems to offer the best way forward , and consider what the implications might be for any future evaluation .
29 Working within this international world it is , of course , a great help if one speaks several languages , but my own experience has been that it is not the ability to speak another language , rare enough this essential tool of international business is amongst British people , but the experience of having lived and worked with people in another country which is the decisive factor .
30 My own experience has led me to the conclusion that at the present stage of development of comprehensive education , a purely individual-based approach to support teaching is likely to prove counterproductive for a combination of three reasons :
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