Example sentences of "than [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I have returned from the toughest trial that I have ever seen I he had already been wounded , for the third time , near Douaumont on February 25th ] — four days and four nights — ninety-six hours — the last two days soaked in icy mud — under terrible bombardment , without any shelter other than the narrowness of the trench , which even seemed to be too wide ; not a hole , not a dugout , nothing , nothing .
2 They almost certainly meet the needs of individual clients , but , like primary nursing , they may also fulfil the needs of the professionals concerned so successfully that the professionals , rather than the recipients of care , are really the most important clients of the system .
3 However , Pearson 's lack of interest in the methods of play construction led him towards even more unfocused ways of organizing his films , aiming for a sort of primitive naturalism — ‘ nothing more than the capture of things seen , life in the living , and by selection and arrangement , the flow of the human tale . ’
4 We live in a century imprinted on the present , which regards the past as little more than the springboard from which we were launched on our way .
5 The magnetic materials used in practice have a unc several orders of magnitude higher than the Er of practical dielectric materials .
6 The financial effort the nation has been called on to make is a very large one , especially since the cost of construction per kW of nuclear capacity is about 25 per cent higher than the cost per kW of coal-fired capacity .
7 The reference centre policy also assumes that the average cost ( ie , per patient seen ) of hospital care is greater than the cost at a health centre , and that a reference centre is cheaper than a hospital .
8 Mr Bland said that the cost of the borrowings was much lower than the cost of the group 's equity , which he estimated at 20 per cent per annum .
9 Once musicians ' royalty income becomes greater than the cost of their recording time and personal advances from the record company , they start receiving royalty statements .
10 For around $7,700 — rather more than the cost of a burial — clients can be pickled and preserved for eternity .
11 In this game , investors borrowed dollars and other currencies according to their share in the krona basket , converted them into krona , and re-invested in Swedish securities with bigger returns than the cost of the borrowed funds .
12 Trivers argues that the chances of selection favouring altruistic behaviour in which individuals dispense a benefit to another greater than the cost of the act will be improved when many potentially altruistic situations arise in the population , when there are repetitive interactions of the same kind within a small group of individuals , and where symmetrical situations favouring the return of benefits are common .
13 There may well be a reputable graffiti artist in the area who would take on the challenge for little more than the cost of the materials !
14 Senior expects Delta 's haemoglobin to cost around 50 pence per gram , ten times less than the cost of purifying it from red blood cells , the main existing source .
15 But inflated land prices , which have been rising much faster than the cost of living index , have placed even smallholdings out of reach except for the well-endowed .
16 As the bulk of the material was culled from just three radio sessions , this proved that an album of quality could still be made for less than the cost of recording your average chart single .
17 Invariably this works out at less than the cost of the repairs , because a vendor would be unlikely to reduce his price to the extent of their full cost — he would argue that he had already taken some account of defects and age when fixing the price of his house in the first place , and if he had been expected to replace all the windows he would have asked a correspondingly higher price .
18 From the second column of the table it can be seen that in 1977–8 , before the crisis year of 1979 , the money supply was growing faster than the cost of living .
19 Indeed , it had been rising much faster than the cost of living for a number of years .
20 That 's under 22 pence a day — less than the cost of most daily newspapers .
21 The rent paid by the retailer is much less than the cost of overheads in an equivalent central location .
22 For roughly £2 million ( little more than the cost of one Falkland islander ) the British government can preserve both Henderson , Pitcairn and its own reputation for colonial fair play .
23 Although we must not forget the sizeable minority who are caught in a poverty trap , during recent years wages and salaries have risen overall more than the cost of living , and educational opportunities have widened .
24 To enter this competition — just study the three simple questions below and then call our 24 hour hotline — it will cost you not much more than the cost of a first class stamp .
25 As there were cars to spare , if one was found with a defect , for which a replacement part might cost more than the cost of a licence , it was withdrawn particularly if the route on which it worked was nearing its closure .
26 The total value of the property taken was put at £925 , £54 less than the cost of the damage caused .
27 His reasoning was that the productivity of free workers was greater than slave labour if the labourers were offered sufficient inducement through piece-work and high rates for day labour ; the cost of getting the same amount of work done by slaves was greater than the cost of the higher rates offered as an inducement .
28 Pricing has n't been finalised , but the firm says it should n't be much more than the cost of the Motif implementations it supplies .
29 The watershed mark is thought to be the point at which a user could get hold of such a board at a couple of hundred dollars or more less than the cost of buying a complete PC solution .
30 Certainly , within time , group equilibrium or balance will return , but there are many occasions when the cost of the group 's disequilibrium is greater than the cost of not removing that member .
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