Example sentences of "than [noun] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These beliefs were rooted far deeper in the past than attitudes to taxation or to education , and they were to remain tenacious into late NEP despite mounting persecution , as will be seen when this same area is re-examined later .
2 He insists that there is more to the emancipation of black people than opposition to racism .
3 I am not talking about the ongoing struggle towards black liberation , for there is much more to the emancipation of blacks than opposition to racism .
4 The training officer group were more likely to refer to joint or group decisions , none of them specifically mentioned the need for central approval , few mentioned relevancy to post as being essential ( or if they did it was within a wider framework of reference than relevance to post alone ) , and they were more likely to specify that the needs of the service and the needs of the individual were both taken into account .
5 Warning rather than exhortation to virtue is the style of the fabliau morals .
6 The exercise of her bent for administration , and her own newly acquired peace of mind , sent Charity , no less than Clarissa to bed happy .
7 Individual contact much more than organisation to organisation is a way barriers between the sectors are broken down , and a way we can understand each other 's motives and ideals .
8 The first , and simplest , is where the government has access to better information than the private sector ; the second is where consumers have better access than producers to information about current shocks .
9 A reward was offered for the head of every Macgregor delivered to the laird ; families were encouraged to betray their own people with promises of pardon ; women were branded on the forehead ; children were sold as little better than slaves to Lowland and Irish cattle dealers .
10 The risk that the rollover rate is less than yield to maturity is known as reinvestment risk ( or rollover risk ) .
11 This is very important , because married women still have fewer claims than men to maintenance from the state .
12 If women were much more likely than men to be in low status jobs , and if female employees almost never went absent from work , it might seem that people doing low status jobs were no more likely or even less likely than others to absence .
13 It was far easier to travel east to west rather than north to south in Sussex , except where the roads crossed the rivers , for the bridges were usually in as poor a state of repair as the highways .
14 Already several of the rabbits were asleep , crouched uneasily between the thick stems , aware of the chance of danger but too tired to do more than trust to luck .
15 His telephone rang almost at once ; he was through to the chief 's personal assistant , a grey-haired lady of vast experience who monitored and sometimes modulated communication ( other than face to face ) between the chief and the outside world — including his policemen .
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