Example sentences of "than [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Shouting at the two children talking when they should n't during assembly rather than praising the other two hundred for sitting quietly is typical of a pre-occupation with failure .
2 Wisely , three representative images are chosen for detailed state by state analysis , rather than encumbering the whole catalogue with such voluminous information .
3 But if Dr Mumby 's right , Turtle fans may find that rather than helping the good guys , they could instead get a cow bunger clobbering from the Turtle team by turning into the baddies .
4 Had he and the Bishop already decided even before Spruce came that they would set Theodora on ( one , after all , of their own kind and bound by clerical obedience ) rather than helping the normal , if crude , processes of the law ?
5 I feel there can be few more worthy objects for the book-collector who is suitably placed geographically than gathering the printed products of his town or city through the centuries .
6 It would have been simpler and more effective , he wrote , to lock the doors and seal up the entrances , simpler and more effective and cheaper than manning the whole building .
7 I am not about to dismiss the poor as part of a force for change , but there is a great deal more to it than organizing the poor to help themselves .
8 Arguably , the defence has no evidential burden to discharge in this situation , for , since the defence is seeking to do no more than deny the basic elements of the prosecution 's case , any assertion of consent by the defence should be placed before the jury .
9 It would be worthless to dwell on the strengths and weaknesses of the regrading exercise here , other than to acknowledge the apparent difficulties associated with it .
10 She sensed rather than heard the collective sigh of relief that went up as her acceptance rang round the studio just a moment before the signature tune flowed through the headphones , signalling the end of the programme .
11 It is clear that the lessons of ‘ 92 have not been learned and again Managers would appear to be telling Senior Management what they want to hear , rather than reflecting the real situation .
12 It takes a slippery road to make the Volvo wag its tail ; over-exuberance with the throttle otherwise does nothing more than make the inside rear wheel spin the power away .
13 But here , under the thick turf roof and the stone walls which had weathered many a north Atlantic gale , we were secure from the driving rain , and the heaviest gusts of wind did little more than make the oil-lamp flicker in its hanger .
14 Dulles did more than make the customary recommendations that the policies of the colonial powers keep abreast of local political aspirations .
15 This warranty does no more ( really ) than repeat the statutory duty which a company already has to keep it books and records in good order .
16 In eight out of ten catchments the report 's authors calculated that the immediate cost of water treatment or blending was less than the ‘ local cost ’ of farming measures , but , once Exchequer savings from reduced agricultural production were included ( i.e. savings in public grants and subsidies paid to farmers to produce crops ) , in most cases it was cheaper to establish protection zones with curbs on farming than to treat the polluted water .
17 Their intention was to treat each case on its merits rather than reproduce the traditional left-right divide in British politics .
18 I found myself working twelve to fourteen hours a day , barely coming up for air , and looking forward to finishing the book so that life could begin again — rather than enjoying the day-by-day process of writing , and living life to the full .
19 The mainstream Labour left thinks it can call Mr Major 's bluff : he would rather swallow the Social Chapter , they guess , than lose the whole treaty .
20 Rather than make the risky journey to Scone , James III was crowned in Kelso abbey near Roxburgh .
21 The benefits which you would derive from a properly set up and run computerised accounting system should more than out-weigh the additional costs involved .
22 Often these advertisements are delivered by hand , which is cheaper than using the postal service .
23 This is simpler than using the old text menus .
24 Making an appeal to a specialist appellate tribunal is cheaper , quicker and easier than using the High Court .
25 Using ex-post data the job of the financial analyst is now considerably easier than using the full mean-variance model presented in Chapter 4 .
26 Once you have understood how the machine creates slip , tuck and knit stitches , the rest is just a progression of these , involving very little more than using the electronic pattern selection .
27 By 1992-93 , we will have more than tripled the original £15 million budget allocation for the know-how fund .
28 Rather than widening the regulatory net , why not narrow the banking fishpond ?
29 However , it must be stressed at the outset that we can do no more here than to indicate the basic principles involved , and give illustrations of a few of the almost innumerable variants of basic methods that exist .
30 Many Americans would prefer to think that Lee Iacocca singlehandedly saved Chrysler from bankruptcy than to accept the real story : a large team of people with diverse backgrounds and interests joined together to rescue the ailing company .
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