Example sentences of "about the [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 There is concern about the law in this area and I believe that the arguments on it are finely balanced .
2 He had plugged his new film , discussed his talented family , talked about his work in the theatre , and we had listened attentively while he outlined his search for spiritual enlightenment and concern about the problems in Tibet .
3 ‘ I do think I can be concerned about the problems in America , but I think feeling guilty is useless , and maybe that compounds the arrogance .
4 The information about the difficulties of conveying the intended meaning of language , and about the problems in memory and attention experienced by many people with schizophrenia , has been combined with neuropsychological knowledge to suggest the possibility of a dysfunction of one of the two hemispheres of the brain , probably the right side ( Cutting , 1985 ) .
5 Q. What about the problems in Aerospace ?
6 Now Nick what er can the Social Services department do about the problem in the area ?
7 ‘ How about the weirdo in the hat ? ’ he asked her .
8 Nude or clothed , the female figure has been at the centre of debates about the genius in art .
9 The issue , as far as I can see , and I was told , when I was growing it up in school , about the holocaust and that we must ensure that everybody remembers about the holocaust in Germany , and that it should never ever be allowed to happen again .
10 But instead he spoke almost solely about the revival in the Eighties .
11 Good to see United taken down a peg or two last evening , though it was nausating hearing that swarmy bastard Armfield and his accomplice talking about the scum in such glowing terms .
12 In the British case ( and Saunders makes it clear that he is generalising about the home in British society ) the best way in which the occupant of a house can acquire ontological security is through being its owner .
13 Tell us something about the provisions in your day .
14 By electro-fishing and measuring the number of different types of fish and the different types of species which live in the water , we can learn about the pollution in the water .
15 There will be no outcry from the corporate sector about the disarray in the accountancy profession .
16 I care deeply about the comedy in the movie , that it 's well-executed and fresh .
17 The troops , lacking adequate maps and orders , wandered about the shore in disarray ; many had been landed indiscriminately ( often in the wrong place ) and stores and ammunition had been stockpiled without regard to their future use .
18 Alison Taylor , the former Gwynedd social worker who says she was sacked for speaking out about the abuses in care , told Community Care last week that she was concerned both at the slow progress of the investigations and the decision of the Crown Prosecution Service not to prosecute certain individuals on grounds of insufficient evidence .
19 There was something about the look in his eyes that told her this was a time to listen and not argue .
20 One , a punk , talked about the village in Wales where she lives and how difficult it is to be different , so that dyeing her hair blue becomes an extremely powerful statement about herself , saying all the things she wants to about her rejection of the values of the people in her village .
21 Two more ghosts , two women — also in black — are said to have been seen about the village in days gone by .
22 Before you try to make a sale , it 's important to find out as much as possible about the products in your department ( see the next section on ‘ product knowledge ’ ) .
23 But now questions are being asked about the conditions in which the girls have been obliged to live to produce such results .
24 In Tampa , Florida , in 1989 , the Europeans quite rightly complained about the conditions in which their horses were stabled — overheated , with poor ventilation and an insufficient exercising area — compared with the facilities given to the North American horses .
25 I go on to argue that , despite the underlying regularities , the behaviour of an individual animal is only predictable when a lot is known about the conditions in which the animal has grown up .
26 These theories can account in broad terms for the compositional differences between the Earth and the Moon , but only by making a number of fairly detailed assumptions about the conditions in the PFM in the region where the Earth and the Moon formed .
27 ‘ You were n't concerned about the conditions in which the servants lived ?
28 It was as large a set as had been developed earlier for general use , except for the London area ( where a few larger sets had been installed in the 1930s and some larger sets of somewhat antiquated design were also completed by the BEA in its early years ) , There were , however , doubts about the flexibility in start-up and shut-down times for the new 60MW and other new designs , and a fortiori about more advanced designs .
29 My honourable friend from the front benches made the point about the gaps in er these regulations , they do n't cover Lloyds , they do n't cover pension schemes , pension funds they do n't cover banks which are domiciled er in the er in in the United States but er we also have the point which I made in the interjection to the minister that unless there 's a duty to detect fraud er er as well as report it , it 's really doubtful if the auditors can perform er the function .
30 Here , after a campaign has been running for some time , a sample survey is used , in which questions are asked about the brands in the market in question :
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