Example sentences of "about [art] [det] time " in BNC.

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1 At about the same time , 1926 to be exact , Walter Cocking produced what became known as Everyman Four receiver , originally called Everyman 's Four-valve , one of which is now in the Science Museum .
2 I first saw him in a supporting role at the Croydon Rep in 1936 , where another young actor , seven years his junior , by the name of William Devlin , who dared to tackle King Lear at about the same time .
3 Now the editors have picked out some plums to make up a poets ' special - from Eliot and Auden , through Allen Ginsberg ( 'I think it was about the same time that I was having these Blake visions ' ) to John Ashbery and the delightful Elizabeth Bishop .
4 Some of the audience calmly fetched additional chairs from a store and we each sat holding our stacking chair over our heads until the shower subsided , in about the same time it took the film rain to subside .
5 At about the same time , British Telecom are also hoping to introduce a formal code of practice .
6 patients recover from their depression at about the same time that their body clock , as measured by the melatonin rhythm , adjusts its phase to match the sleep/wake rhythm .
7 At about the same time an advance party from the RMP detachment of ten volunteer ‘ redcaps ’ leave for a short journey to Thorey Island , where their company has planned a military skills training weekend .
8 Dr Barnardo 's was another charity she took on at about the same time ; this charity has left its old orphanage image behind , and the Princess feels her connections with it have been fruitful .
9 At about the same time came the Immorality Act , which made sexual relations between different races a crime against the state . ’
10 The authority had not found out about the incident involving the cadets at Leek until they were in hospital , but tests on the water taken about the same time showed toxics from algae present .
11 At about the same time , Nadia Thalmann began work on a new project at the University of Geneva , animating synthetic actors using artificial intelligence and robotics .
12 At about the same time , the computer graphics lab at the New York Institute of Technology was working on what it ambitiously claimed would ultimately be the first full-length computer-generated feature , The Works .
13 About the same time I heard gunfire .
14 It was Richard Bulwer who built the present Wood Dalling Hall in 1582 , at about the same time as his neighbour Henry Dynne was building the much larger Heydon Hall .
15 Lead was first used at about the same time as copper , though it was seldom used to make artefacts in its own right .
16 They spread there from the area of the Aegean at about the same time as the Israelite tribes themselves moved into the land from the east .
17 In Britain at about the same time another Gallup poll showed 30 per cent of the populace were in favour of giving up the British H-bomb .
18 A constituency operation in south-east London was begun at about the same time .
19 At about the same time the barons of Bedfordshire paid £200 ‘ for the disafforestment of that part of Bedfordshire which Henry I first afforested ’ — a definition which was to be the subject of future contention .
20 On 27 June the Attorney-General sent to Buckingham warrants for the sale of Neroche , Selwood and Feckenham Forests , and the disafforestment of Braydon was begun at about the same time .
21 The great Morrissey is currently putting the finishing touches to his new solo album , and a single engagingly entitled We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful will be in the stores about the same time as Johnny Rogan 's book .
22 About the same time , V SS Mountain Corps carried out an offensive in the Sarajevo area .
23 Chris Patten had recruited them both at about the same time .
24 About the same time as this incident , when he was fifteen , Richard Baxter experienced a spiritual awakening .
25 At about the same time , the Lord Mayor and aldermen of the City of London decided to hold a Day of Solemn Thanksgiving to God for General Monk 's success , and they requested Richard Baxter to preach in St. Paul 's .
26 Walpole House , which had been erected in the sixteenth century , was altered with a new front elevation , in 1730 , and at about the same time two other houses were knocked into one to become Strawberry House .
27 Near the shore , old raised-beach deposits can be observed throughout the region , representing changes in sea levels at about the same time as the glacial episode .
28 Interestingly , pine reached Skye at about the same time ( Birks and Williams , 1983 ) .
29 At about the same time , a number of serious accidents occurred .
30 At about the same time , the now elevated Lord Marshall , Chairman of the CEGB , was featured in a BBC television documentary about the future of nuclear power .
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