Example sentences of "time [vb -s] [vb pp] for " in BNC.

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1 The good news is that , once you have given up smoking and sufficient time has elapsed for the nicotine to clear your system , your memory and mental ability is likely to be just as good as that of someone who has never smoked .
2 Moreover , the intricacy of the colouring can , and seems to be , influenced by horizontal and vertical circulation patterns in the atmosphere and by waves , both of which can transport material to altitudes where its colours are unstable but where insufficient time has elapsed for chemical reactions to have reached a new equilibrium corresponding to different colours .
3 One reason why V remains relatively stable in the long run , despite an increase in money supply , is that sufficient time has elapsed for the direct mechanism to have worked fully through .
4 A resolution was passed at the 1897 Congress that ‘ the time has arrived for the direct representation of the cooperative movement in Parliament ’ .
5 Surely the time has arrived for the British Royal Family to put a proper end to the speculation that surrounds it by telling the truth .
6 WITH THE INCREASING EMPHASIS on exchanges between various educational sectors for purposes of professional and curricular development , the time has arrived for a closer look at individual experiences of these secondments and at their management .
7 The time has come for the politicians to face up to their responsibilities , ’ Mr Rocard said .
8 THE TIME has come for the egg industry to look forward to the 1990s .
9 The time has come for Britain to cut its military spending and begin to use its limited resources for our real needs .
10 The time has come for the party to choose and , in the final analysis , it has two coherent policies to choose from .
11 It may be that by the end of the century , when we are carrying all before us , some fair-minded matron will survey her predominantly female team and announce that the time has come for a Ministry for Men .
12 ‘ I 'm afraid the time has come for you to go to school . ’
13 All take marketing seriously and the time has come for education to be added to the list .
14 ‘ Perhaps the time has come for someone else to take on the burden .
15 encourage movement in your opponent 's position by : summarizing the course of negotiations so far , suggesting that the time has come for mutual concessions suggesting a new position which represents a different point of departure for both parties linking two or more issues since ‘ it might help us get nearer a settlement ’ suggesting an adjournment indicating the exact area to which you want your opponent to pay attention
16 A quick dust , to get rid of the cobwebs , and it 's off to the track , adrenalin pumping , because that time has come for the first track workout of the summer .
17 It seems as if the time has come for you to bring this side of life to the fore , and even without your co-operation other people will persuade you that being independent does not mean being alone .
18 In time and with an increasingly ageing population , I foresee the same thing happening here ; that when people feel the time has come for release , they will gather the family round them to say farewell and then with those they love most beside them , they will ask for and be handed , as their right , the means of self-deliverance .
19 With adverse publicity about the failure to establish a development programme in the black townships and a renewal of sanctions from the ANC now inevitable , Botha believes that the time has come for ageing administrators like Danie Craven to step down .
20 And Dons boss Joe Kinnear reckons the time has come for Fashanu to be reconsidered by England in time for next month 's World Cup qualifier against Norway at Wembley .
21 ‘ The time has come for me to get it sorted out — and I 'd happily take a year out if it meant I 'd have a few more years later on .
22 We must recognize that the time has come for a national crusade against pornography .
23 Explaining , now , more of the past history of Samavia , Lorestan reveals that the Lost Prince has been found , the time has come for the corrupt government to be overthrown and the message must be carried through Europe that ‘ the lamp is lighted ’ .
24 The time has come for mankind to begin to live without the neurotic relics contained in religions .
25 Now I believe that the time has come for us to think again about the theological side , the theological er and I make this proposal consider the feasibility of a theological examination anti- semitism and the convenor is ready to accept it Thank you sir .
26 The general opinion seems to be that since the bastard 's decided to stop shooting people , he can remain anonymous , stay at large , enjoy life and freedom , and laugh up his sleeve at an incompetent police force until he decides the time has come for a little more high-velocity fun . ’
27 The time has come for a radical re-examination of the provision of services for this particularly disadvantaged group of people .
28 Perhaps the time has come for another name to be engraved on the trophies .
29 ‘ Gina — I think the time has come for me to set the record straight about Lotta and myself .
30 Now that the new system of advanced courses is becoming well established the time has come for the work of the Central Support Unit to be absorbed into mainstream SCOTVEC Departments .
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