Example sentences of "time [vb pp] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If the demand is advertised , the time limited for compliance runs from when the advertisement first appeared .
2 As from the time the application to set aside is made , the time limited for compliance ceases to run .
3 If a petition is based on non-compliance with a statutory demand , the petition must not be dismissed only because the amount of the debt is over-stated in the demand unless , within the time limited for compliance , the debtor has given notice disputing the validity of the notice for this reason or , no such notice having been given , the debtor pays the correct amount ( r 6.25(3) ) .
4 If the videos are at any time broadcast for public viewing the Publisher will negotiate a residual fee which will be in line with the agreement for minimum fees that exist at the time between the Society of Authors/Writers ' Guild and ITCA/BBC .
5 Each site was allowed six months for system development for the domain in addition to time needed for corpus development .
6 By nationalizing for a specific period — length depending upon the expected time needed for rehabilitation and the severity of the offence — and placing public-appointed directors to the board with a duty to inform the public and advise the remaining corporate directors , the chances of recidivating could be reduced considerably .
7 The time needed for training
8 It will always be the case that it would have been better for one of the counterparties not to have taken out the forward contract but to have waited and transacted in the spot or cash market at the time called for delivery .
9 The adequacy of the time provided for discussion at Validation Events will be monitored closely during the validation of Phase 2 Pilots and the experience gained over both pilots will contribute to the framework established for the post Pilot stage .
10 Twenty minutes was the time allocated for lunch and then the afternoon was taken up with being fitted with a uniform .
11 At this stage most people would have given up the struggle and for a time settled for Ted , who by now had enlisted new blood into his team , including the trusty old campaigner , John Peyton , and Peter Walker , who was re-engaged as Ted 's campaign manager .
12 Similarly , the very short time taken for HDAg to appear in three grafts suggests it was spread perioperatively .
13 Thus Stonehenge was presumed to postdate the tholoi of Mycenae , and the time taken for agriculture to spread to Britain was thought to be so great that the inception of the Neolithic was placed at about 2500 BC .
14 This can be useful ; the only thing to bear in mind is that too many icons in here will increase the time taken for Windows to get going , so it 's best to keep Start Up for the real essentials .
15 The effect they have on performance is to increase the time taken for transactions on the Working-Set database .
16 The time taken for development from infection until mature adult parasites are producing eggs or larvae is known as the prepatent period and this is of known duration for each nematode species .
17 The report suggests that the time taken for decision-making and the quality of the decisions were largely unaffected by participation , but the utilisation of skills , the general feeling of empathy with the organisation , the working atmosphere and the employees ' acceptance of technology all improved in general .
18 Customs have previously included within that period any time taken for communications between the VAT Central Unit at Southend and the trader 's local VAT office .
19 A copy should then be sent to Personnel for our files so we can keep an accurate record of the time taken for sickness .
20 The timescale , , for the instability of the boundary layer to occur is given by the time taken for conduction to thicken the local boundary layer to this mean thickness The two different regimes can be separated by equating the settling time , /v S to the convective boundary-layer timescale , .
21 Finally the settling time is the time taken for oscillation to decay so that the system is within 5% of the target .
22 For the shadowed person the time taken for explanation may bring an awareness that some of their routines may be ready for review .
23 Thus , time taken for GCSE will erode that available for records of achievement and vice versa .
24 It is thought that this would have increased the flow of heat to the base of the lithosphere sufficiently to cause a phase change in the uppermost continental mantle after a delay of up to 70 Ma ( the time taken for heat to be conducted from the base of the lithosphere to just below the Moho ) .
25 Of the time estimated for Inverness to Dalwhinnie he said : ’ It 's unrealistic unless you are travelling in a dustcart . ’
26 In that era , so much of the day was spent climbing in and out of the correct clothes that there ca n't have been much time left for recreation .
27 Take out of a typical day the classes you must attend , the time spent travelling , the hours you sleep , the eating , shopping , meeting friends , relaxing , watching television , listening to music and all the other activities of a busy day , and there is not much time left for study .
28 Eckersley himself for a time worked for Sir Oswald Mosley [ q.v. ] , joining the New Party and involving himself subsequently in commercial broadcasting schemes which interested Mosley also .
29 I think of one particular school working with a scheme on " The World of Nature and Belief in God " in which the same slides were shown , the same background material given to teachers , and the same amount of time allowed for discussion in the four different classes of 9 – 10 year-olds , each of which was similar in composition with regard to ability and home background .
30 Copies of the initial draft of the report should be made available and time allowed for observations and objections to be made which could be incorporated in the final report .
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