Example sentences of "time [vb pp] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 His successor was Sir Clive Wigram , who in June 1931 attended another dinner , this time given by a South African millionaire , Sir Abe Bailey , to promote the National Government conception .
2 Clause 8.1.1 is so worded to circumvent the problem by which any time given by a creditor to a debtor could have the effect of releasing the guarantor from its obligations .
3 The sergeant 's parting shot was , ‘ I suppose you 'll be in the desert in a few weeks ’ time disguised as a Bedouin . ’
4 The discriminatory policies of Poland , which had been prompted by Germany 's boycott of Polish coal in 1925 , had by this time developed into a fully-fledged trade war , and this , combined with the effects of the new port at Gdynia , the increasing Jewish population , the irritating presence of Danzig Poles and the continual clucking of the League of Nations , all helped to shift the political perceptions of the local population towards simplistic , populist , nationalist and ultimately racist solutions — namely those offered by the Nazi Party .
5 The proclamation came amid a renewal of disturbances akin to those which had surrounded the holding of the referendum , this time provoked by a Croatian government order to disarm reserve police officers in Serb-populated municipalities .
6 Once more the Cult of Luxury began to spread , this time cloaked in a secrecy that made it even more attractive to jaded Elf aristocrats .
7 It added : ‘ This explosion deepens the cracks in a monarchy which a number of Britons have for some time regarded with a mixture of indifference and contempt . ’
8 He was standing quite still , feeling both paralysed and yet at the same time filled with a flood of energy .
9 Her voice sounded strange to her ; weak and croaking , but at the same time filled with a passion she had not known she felt .
10 When the time approached for a decision on when to ground PA474 , the feeling within the RAF was that PA474 should be kept airworthy for at least another ten years , and the suggestion was made that R5868 should go to Hendon instead , as it was by far the most historical of the two Lancasters .
11 Undeterred however , it decided on a second offensive , this time confined to a search for a low-level waste dump where the material would be buried in shallow trenches .
12 This apparently backward causality , if true , would cause problems for identity theories of mind and has been used by dualists like John Eccles to support their position , with the backward step in time made by a non-physical mind .
13 Now we start to look at the same stitch types again , but this time used as a double bed knitting techniques .
14 Taylor makes five changes from Oslo , foremost among them yet another chance for his favourite Barnes , this time used as a front-line partner for QPR 's Ferdinand .
15 But fusion was at the time buried beneath a blanket of secrecy : not open to the usual processes of review that attend research available for the scientific community to read the scientific papers and arrive at their own interpretation of the results .
16 It is a typical British beef type and perhaps for that reason its numbers at home are now dangerously low : fewer than 450 breeding cows were registered in 1987 when it was for the first time classified as a rare breed , though in the nineteenth century it had been the mainstay of the Scottish beef industry .
17 Firstly s can be replaced by where π is the proper time measured on a clock travelling the same path .
18 In the absence of an animal , or even in addition to it , it is quite possible that some form of comfort was found at a particular place or sanctuary , and even within the minute span of evolutionary time measured by a single generation , it is possible for such a retreat to have become a very special place for a whole family , or even a tribe .
19 Another classic set , this time styled with a 90's feel
20 Time based with a low quote and major add-ons 1105.2
21 It is permitted to speak of multiple versions , but editorial principles are still seeking to create authorised versions , this time based on a ‘ final ’ revision .
22 The wartime commentator 's jingoistic jangle was this time replaced by a solemn voice , and we were confronted with pictures of moving skeletons , some of them smiling weakly and making slow gestures .
23 The brief interval allowed for the establishment of a link between neutral and significant events was at one time elevated into a general law of associative learning .
24 Time slowed to a crawl for Howard , as he saw the gun swing up , its wielder moving a half step forward and a half turn round .
25 He opened a yard to receive consignments of iron ore , which he had arranged through an agent in Sweden , and contacts from his time employed as a salesman were invaluable in developing his trade .
26 I feel it is necessary to state my own interest : I am a retired mechanical engineer , at one time employed by a major international oil company where I specialised in research on fuel and lubricants for internal combustion engines .
27 Those characteristics were known to that keeper or were at any time known to a person who at that time had charge of the animal as that keeper 's servant or , where that keeper is the head of a household , were known to another keeper of the animal who is a member of that household and under the age of sixteen . ’
28 It extended the provisions of the 1965 Rent Act to tied cottage occupants in agriculture , but at the same time provided for a procedure whereby a former worker could be rehoused by the local authority where the farmer could prove that the house was essential to accommodate a replacement worker .
29 Trying to convince people the project was worth pursuing was not easy , and over a long period personal time had to be carved out to work on the project from time allocated to a variety of other activities ranging from textile fibres to films and even to electronics .
30 The timing control allows your heating to come on up to six times a day , with each time set at a different temperature .
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