Example sentences of "time [pers pn] take [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Er , mm , the other time I took stuff down there
2 I 've been thinking today of the time I took Piers and Antoinette to meet him .
3 If you are finding that you are answering ‘ yes ’ to most of these questions , it is time you took action !
4 ’ But why is it the only time you take risks is when you 're likely to make a profit. ? ’
5 Say from me , next time you take prep , say well Lizzie 's going to get a tan now .
6 Often the only time we take notice is when something is wrong .
7 The first time we took advantage of our basic area potato quota ( 0.5 hectares from the Potato Marketing Board ) , we painstakingly planted , with the children roped in , buckets under arms tripping up and down the ridges , more Scotch seed than potatoes harvested .
8 At the same time they took responsibility for the home , ’ she says .
9 If the genes affecting survival and fertility are to some extent age-specific in their effects , then those that influence later life will be subject to weaker selection because , by the time they take effect , more of the original carriers will already have died or become infertile for other reasons .
10 In the end , and to add to the injustices he had already suffered , Meehan was obliged to wait five years , which was the time it took Lord Hunter to complete and publish his report .
11 In the time it took Nick to arrive Harriet forced herself to wash and change into a clean sweatshirt , though the most mundane of everyday actions seemed a huge effort .
12 I saw a school essay containing the word ‘ yrnetn ’ for wire netting ; and only the other day the Independent Magazine carried an advertisement for Philips Dictation Systems with the interesting sentence : ‘ In the time it took Dickens to write A Tale of Two Cities he could of told us a dozen more . ’
13 This involved combining the current running costs of the plant with the cost of capital investment at the time it took place , many years before .
14 At least , in those extraordinary days between Hiroshima and the declaration of Vietnamese independence , hardly anyone , except the French garrison who were still imprisoned , first by the Japanese and then by the Vietminh , could be found to contradict this assumption of power and by the time it took place , or at least was claimed , another thread in the French connection had been broken .
15 The weekly ritual slaughter was too gory a ceremony for her to watch , though every time it took place she was reminded of how it always fascinated her daughters when they were children .
16 The Court of Appeal doubted the validity of trespass ab initio , as it meant that lawful acts could be made unlawful by subsequent events and the lawfulness of an act should be judged at the time it took place .
17 No problem to Lucy , who kept smiling through , witty and charming , zipping through three courses of creative cuisine into a smart frock and an atomised squirt of Coty L'Amant in the time it took Martin and ‘ the gang ’ to get home .
18 time it takes money .
19 It is said that one of the merits of ‘ Documenta ’ this time round is that , with four much-travelled curators , it is truly international in its scope , and that for the first time it takes account of artists not operating in the great ‘ art capitals ’ …
20 Light goes maybe 30 metres in the time it takes sound to travel the 0.2mm thickness of the emulsion .
21 In the case of contracts creating continuing or recurrent liabilities incident to the disposition or holding of property , such as a settlement or a leasehold tenancy , the infant , on attaining full age , becomes bound unless within a reasonable time he takes steps to repudiate liability .
22 For most of that time he took drugs .
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