Example sentences of "time [prep] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I am saying that Lord Justice Woolf , who produced an authoritative report on prison riots and the improvement of prison conditions — admittedly , a report that does not recommend the one thing that the Home Secretary has chosen to do , but a report which the Home Secretary wrongly described as comprehensive — draws attention time after time to the simple fact that all prisons that rioted in 1990 and were the subject of the inquiry were so overcrowded that many of the proper duties that prisons should perform were not being and could not be performed .
2 Time after time on his Scottish travels he conjured original ideas from his encounters with the unfamiliar .
3 The research team , based at the Bristol Oncology Centre , hopes the method will eventually become an accepted screening method as it can be used time after time without any risk to the patient 's health .
4 The fragrance can be revitalised time after time with oils supplied ( £2.99 . )
5 Time after time after time .
6 And time after time after time , there have been cases prepared and whenever they came to court , there was nobody prepared to go into that courtroom .
7 What I wish erm Mr Mayor , because councillor tries this erm Tory party , central office philosophy time after time after time .
8 We are misled time after time after time when people have problems like they 're having their vehicle serviced , it 's put a claim in for a water pump , and have the cost of their service paid for .
9 Well that 's , that 's just , just ca n't predict and , to have it going on time after time after time , it 's bad , bad form for , for the phone , and the bill and all concerned
10 This is the message that emerges time after time from surveys on Britain 's ability to cope with the demands of Europe post-1992 .
11 ’ Ever closer union ’ is an objective which has been reaffirmed and defined time after time in successive meetings of the European Council .
12 The Burscough boss believes he can put his finger on why his side can consistently beat opposition from higher leagues , as they have done time after time in the past two years , yet struggle at their own level .
13 Poor Charles Bradlaugh , returned time after time by the electors of Northampton was first found by the courts ( on the application of an informer for a penalty ) to be disentitled to affirm ( since , having no religion , he had no religious objection to taking the oath ) ( in Clarke v Bradlaugh ( 1881 ) 7 QBD 38 , reversed but not on this point in Bradlaugh v Clarke ( 1883 ) 8 App Cas 354 ) .
14 All we have is the government time from time to time tweaking up the regulations as its er as its er it it it its doing here .
15 Finally , the Report suggested that the Minister might establish ‘ a small committee to advise her from time to time on the subjects and types of adult education courses which should receive priority in qualifying for grant ’ ( Recommendation 18 ) .
16 The three departments , however , do use official statistics in the detailed studies which are done from time to time on a one-off basis .
17 Henceforth it was to be seen from time to time on route 16/18 .
18 The whole area had a horribly uneasy and melancholy atmosphere and he noticed that from time to time on that bright summer 's day occasional metallic rattlings came from the depths of the quarry .
19 Christians need to reflect from time to time on their faith , knowing that it is easy to be distracted from their calling to be disciples .
20 Fremont , California-based SyQuest Technology Inc is sweetening the pill of its profit shortfall by deciding to buy back up to 1m of its 11.4m common shares out from time to time on the open market .
21 In its place , the Home Secretary would appoint a standing Advisory Council to report and make recommendations from time to time on such aspects of penal treatment as he might refer to it or as the Council itself , having consulted the Home Secretary , felt that it ought to consider .
22 When Marcus came in for supper , two hours later , Daniel 's Mum was still talking , to Stephanie , who was in and out of the kitchen dishing up vegetables and making gravy , to her son , who moved his weight cautiously from time to time on a dining-room chair and frowned and frowned .
23 Vagrant birds of South American origin are reported from time to time on the South Orkney and South Shetland Islands ; their presence indicates repeated possibilities for colonization , but they invariably disappear quickly .
24 My right hon. and learned Friend and I meet the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals from time to time on a range of matters , including the capital and recurrent funding needs of the universities .
25 Sheep-shearers and stock-keepers had also descended on the plains to take advantage of the excellent grazing , and provided Gould with company from time to time on his journey .
26 Er unfortunately one has cases from time to time on girls of this age who set out to entice men .
27 The professor will be qualified for election as an official member of the board of the faculty ( which has final authority over the proceedings of its sub-faculties ) , and will be expected to serve from time to time on the various standing and ad hoc committees appointed by the board .
28 The Commission issues guidelines from time to time on its views on appreciability .
29 Prisoners-of-war , wandering free men , peasants and natives were mobilized from time to time into detachments of foreign servicemen ( Litva ) or cossacks , and there were service gentry from European Russia stationed in the region for periods of several years .
30 In fact , the behaviour of the janissaries bred a smouldering resentment which erupted from time to time into acts of armed resistance .
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