Example sentences of "time [verb] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Other demands on officers ' time tend to impose a pattern on their behaviour which is difficult to break without substantial disruption to their schedule and mobility .
2 Libraries and librarians have for a long time sought to play a role in the educational development of young children in the formative and primary years , particularly in the simple stimulation of the reading habit .
3 He took up archery just eight years ago and in that time has become a national instructor , teaching people of all ages , as well as reaching the championships .
4 The film director Michael Law whom Minton met in Soho at this time has provided a vivid metaphor for his condition : ‘ Johnny was really like a clock with the machinery hanging out .
5 Over the years their percentage of television time has had a direct correlation to the increase in prize-money .
6 We think it 's time to try to create a new showcase for young galleries . ’
7 A disappointing album from a band who at one time seemed to show a lot of promise .
8 That 's why badgers which have spent some time recouperating need a home of their own .
9 Following our father 's advice both brothers made sure I was seated between them , at the same time refusing to exchange a word with me .
10 Plenary sessions in the Conference had , one after the other , commented on the absence of any relevant courses at University Departments of Education , on the similar failure on the part of other institutions of higher education to develop qualifications which might secure recognition from the Council for National Academic Awards , and on the apparent unwillingness of the Department of Education and Science to recognise overseas qualifications whilst at the same time refusing to take a lead in a field which could be shown to be a priority area .
11 But when the time came to compose a quarrel between people , it was the representatives of the groups to which they belonged who made the peace .
12 When the time came to launch a leading brand of canned pork and beans in the Canadian market , the advertising company decided to continue the campaign that had worked successfully in other English-speaking areas , and retained the name Big John 's .
13 It seemed bizarre that a band plagued by such huge problems on an international scale should wish to waste their time attempting to sue a small time and , to be frank , penniless magazine .
14 The time needed to reach a solution to a problem is much longer ( i.e. it could take several hours or even days ) than the implementation/repair ( i.e. replacing a module or a board/panel can take only 30 minutes ) .
15 They have to be accelerated/automated and made readily available if we want to reduce the time needed to reach a solution to a problem .
16 The company claims it can trim 10% to 15% off the time needed to resolve a customer call or problem .
17 Batch size , or time needed to machine a batch :
18 By " aptitude " Carroll meant " the amount of time needed to learn a task under optimal instructional conditions ' and not its more usual connotation of how much a student is capable of learning .
19 For some psychologists , the time needed to become a recognized practitioner or researcher is even a sign of the discipline 's status .
20 Good access is important to help reduce the time needed to operate a greenhouse successfully .
21 ‘ Another factor you had to reckon with was the time needed to change a lens on the camera turret .
22 The amber was at one time polished to make a pendant with the fly as centre piece .
23 LIFESPAN RDBI ( running on a MicroVax 2000 ) would take approximately 1 day of CPU time to bulk transfer a LIFESPAN 08.00 database of this size .
24 As this institution has now become purely a slanging match ( unfortunately the only time guaranteed to attract a full complement of Members ) , how can it possibly be taken as a serious part of governing the country .
25 You might in good time like to write a pop-psychology book under that title ?
26 As self-regulation is proving somewhat less than satisfactory , is it not time to consider establishing a Securities and Exchange Commission — an SEC — as exists in America ?
27 This is the time to consider joining a class or taking a course as the new term , or year , starts in September .
28 I dialled and this time decided to try a little subterfuge .
29 Early studies suggested TV did reduce the time spent reading a paper .
30 After a time spent playing a sort of country blues acoustic guitar , Otis got a Sears Roebuck Silvertone , with one lipstick pickup — the one with the amp in the case .
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