Example sentences of "then [vb base] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 At the Goldstone I bet he 'll go past three or four players , and then lose the ball taking on a fifth instead of putting our strikers in .
2 But how can the competing factors in the industry then distinguish the service they provide from that of their competitors ?
3 You could , of course , get out your trusty copy of PKZIP and shrink it a bit , then flip it onto a disk , then copy it onto your desktop , then unzip it , then delete the ZIP file .
4 Then zero the counter when the rewind process is completed .
5 As already stated , the reason for the retention is the exquisite pain associated with passing urine , and the best way of solving the problem is to apply some local anaesthetic ointment until the vulva and external genitalia are completely numb and then sit the patient in a warm bath until urine has been passed .
6 A pathetic attempt to use proto-scientific methods to ascertain and then apprehend the transcendent .
7 If the idea itself is more important to you than the glory reflecting from its success , then raise the idea at a meeting so that it becomes an idea generated by a team .
8 ‘ Efter we get alang here a wee bit , ye come tae a loch , then roon' the bend is a castle , then we cairry oan up the road a bit till we cam tae anither loch … ’
9 If we then redistil the distillate , the new distillate will have the composition XA(E) and so on .
10 Check that it 's level , then connect the cable cores at the appropriate terminals , and screw the faceplate to the box .
11 Then connect the cable cores to the faceplate and attach it as before .
12 Feast on an endless range of local and international dishes , then dance the night away in one of the many pulsating discos .
13 First , remove the strings , then slacken the truss rod completely and sight down the edge of the neck from the headstock end .
14 Then subtract the cost of the loan .
15 Knowing 1 , we now form the matrix 1I — A ; if we put r = 0,1 in ( 13 ) , multiply the first by 1 and then subtract the second : unc Premultiplication of this by
16 If we can generate the representation of this complete set of degrees of freedom for the isolated atoms , and then subtract the representation of the external motions , we would obtain the representation Γ vib of the whole set of molecular vibrations .
17 Process in a blender or processor until smooth ; then rub the soup through a sieve to remove the pea skins .
18 Make small slits all over the lamb and insert the garlic , then rub the lamb with the butter .
19 The designer can thus either simply design the copper track layout first , and then make the board the correct size to accommodate it , or alternatively define the size of the board to start with and then try to make the copper track pattern fit it .
20 This is often picked up by the programmers , who then make the system more secure . ’
21 You then make the coin return by saying to the child that you think it is coming back in her ear .
22 Gain attention before speaking , then make the subject known at the beginning of the conversation , not at the end when it is too late to contribute or to follow the train of thought .
23 First you light the fire , then make the coffee and fetch water from the well .
24 The awful thing is that the movies that I 've been involved with in the last erm few years have entailed my being abroad a great deal , and I was made in New York entirely and I was there for six or seven months , and the difficulty is that when you then make the movie and you take it round the world , you 're away for another three or four months and so you end up being out of the country for quite a long time , so I 've been nothing like as active with the university .
25 One of the experiences of the programme is that it is important to involve social security officers early on , to tell them what 's going to happen , not to wait until people are in the community and then make the claim .
26 If there can be difficulties in finding the main entrance then make the erection of helpful direction signs a priority .
27 Then make the investment and profit from it .
28 So what does it take to first qualify and then make the grade as a PGA European Tour player ?
29 Competition for agency jobs is so severe that you may find it easier to obtain an interview with the media itself — a TV contractor or newspaper and then make the transition to agency work a little later in your career .
30 And what happens is that if an embryo has the single gene for being male , it happens to have a white chromosome not surprisingly , it turns on thousands of other genes that then make the embryo into a male , but , but that single gene has to be there to act as a switch and that 's that gene is also present in alligators and crocodiles so the point I 'm making is it is just wrong to say that , that all these discoveries about genetics cut no ice with human evolution , because human things can not be influenced by single genes .
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