Example sentences of "then [vb pp] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 These were then calculated as percentages to allow direct comparisons .
2 Weathering of rocks by rain water , by frost , by chemical action which is then leaked into rivers and carried from rivers into
3 The fact that urban areas were hit early and particularly hard by this loss is then explained by conditions which operate within this broader context : for example , that cities tended to have the older and thus often less profitable parts of individual industries ; or that they suffered from decentralization to cheaper and less organized workers .
4 The disease was then treated by injections of insulin derived from pigs .
5 Finished vehicles are then painted with products supplied by the Sealants , Adhesives and Coatings Division of Courtaulds Aerospace , at Shildon .
6 This is then developed through exercises and projects which encourage both systematic and intuitive work .
7 The tests were then developed by experts and submitted to lay people and subject matter experts for reactions .
8 The gaps were then filled with hydrangeas and potentillas .
9 In order that these children did n't get suspicious of his works , they were brain-washed and then placed with families on campus .
10 The paint was then manipulated with brushes , even with fingertips , before the final firing .
11 His mounting literary reputation was by then sustained by poems as well as criticism , though he had abandoned the writing of poems before the war : ‘ It struck me they were bad , ’ he told an interviewer years later , ‘ I did n't want to print them ’ ; so that though his Collected Poems ( 1955 ) were a minor intellectual sensation when they finally appeared , they belong to another time .
12 Nor is shooting the only manner of the birds ' destruction , because they are also trapped , by being driven into defiles and then caught in nets stretched between the trees .
13 The washed and marked finds are then sorted into groups such as sherds of coarse pottery , sherds of glazed pottery , all the prehistoric worked flint , and so on , and are studied by specialists who prepare reports on them .
14 Information is then encoded as deviations from those statistical properties .
15 She concludes that women 's views need to be considered and then synthesised with men 's to ‘ find a human whole ’ .
16 Neutrophils ( 1×10 cells ) were then added to tubes containing vehicle or indomethacin ( 0 to 100 uM ) in a total volume of 3 mL .
17 Some goats ' milk cheeses are lightly pressed and then rolled in herbs , while others are soft , unpressed , surface-ripened cheeses made in the Coulommiers style .
18 These statements-were then considered by ministers and senior civil servants who then made decisions which were implemented .
19 For each year of the forecast the previous year 's level of service is taken as the base ; that is then modified by additions representing new policies and subtractions reflecting the closure of activities that have already been agreed to during the year .
20 Those responsible for programmes of visits in the three Overseas Groups then reported on visits made since last October .
21 I helped do the Sex sign and put all this foam rubber on the walls which were then decorated with quotations from Alexand Trocchi , soft porn spray can graffiti from the ‘ 68 Paris student revolt .
22 The workshop on lnternationalism although ’ boasting ’ an array of speakers , was then hijacked by participants selling their campaigns , rather than using the information to broaden perspectives .
23 He was taken to the Gloucestershire Royal Hospital , but then discharged into police custody .
24 In Tirgu Mures , the HDUR candidate for mayor had been deemed ineligible to stand by a local court ; the party then supported an independent candidate , who won the election but then resigned after revelations that his nomination papers were irregular .
25 At the CD-ROM Europe Conference in 1990 , Charles Oppenheim of Reuters , estimated that 80 per cent of all CD-ROM readers were then located in libraries , mainly those with academic or professional specialisms .
26 The schoolhouses had been left empty in the Revolution , and then ransacked by peasants , as the Bolshevik investigators had noticed on their way to Nikol'skaia .
27 Bodybuilder arrested then freed in steroids mix-up
28 Contrasts in the attitudes of the following subgroups are then presented in cases where the differences are of sufficient magnitude to be statistically significant :
29 These ‘ enabling ’ or ‘ strategic ’ technologies are then applied across boundaries .
30 Jo 's hair was towel dried and put into sections , the mixture was then applied from roots to ends whilst it was still warm .
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