Example sentences of "then [vb past] [adv prt] as " in BNC.

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1 The track wound past one last stand of trees , then petered out as it reached a wide , open space at the top of the hill .
2 Corbett expected the Pictish village to be hidden and secretive but suddenly the trees thinned , the sunlight glimmered then poured through as they abruptly left the canopy of trees and entered a large clearing .
3 The old farmer looked at me in surprise , then glanced around as though he had just noticed the weather .
4 He then strode off as Damien turned , his eyes red with weeping , his white face now puffy .
5 Not even thinking to stop , Jack dashed through and then whirled round as someone yelled out , ‘ You ! ’
6 ‘ Nothing , ’ she said then looked up as Doyle returned with her bourbon .
7 Sophie heaved a long sigh , then looked up as Helen came back to the table , her face drawn and anxious .
8 TWO MEN were detained yesterday after gunmen wounded three taxi drivers in the centre of Belfast then sped off as police gave chase .
9 They said one Pakistani soldier , five of his countrymen and three Americans were injured in the three-hour clash , the worst since the weekend killing of seven Nigerian troops trapped by a mob and then gunned down as they tried to flee .
10 Then he heaved in a breath that must have gone right down to his toes , and his whole body arched and stiffened , and then relaxed on as prolonged an exhalation .
11 Hearing voices approach down the hall , she threw the paper and envelope into the fire , and then stood up as Senga reappeared , leading a tall serious-faced young man .
12 He leaned forward with a sudden movement , politely offered round cigarettes and cigars , and then sat back as though retiring from the proceedings to his usual position of observer .
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