Example sentences of "then [vb past] [pers pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He looked down miserably , and then wiped them away .
2 Spat on it , then wiped it again .
3 Vernage then stabbed him again and Sergeant King was dead on arrival at Hospital .
4 He told her how much he had missed her while he was away skiing and then asked her simply to marry him .
5 The waitress added up the modest sum , and then asked them regretfully if they were leaving the district for good .
6 The Captain filled in the space where Maxwell might have thought he had to apologize , and then asked him quickly : ‘ What did you do in the north of Italy in January ?
7 He tilted his head to one side , then straightened it again .
8 Merrill opened it , scanned it quickly , then passed it across to Luke , her heart sinking .
9 He then met her afterwards and signed a record for her .
10 Leave it here and then got it here for shopping here .
11 He then got it there , he then takes that tape and plays another tape he makes a ?
12 Then laid me gently in bed .
13 Burun studied the wine flask absently , then laid it aside .
14 She shook her head ; then jerked it backwards , indicating the scullery , as she added in a much lower tone , ‘ They 're not really my aunt and uncle .
15 For a moment that bordered on eternity , Fran stared at the throbbing centre of her hand , then snatched it away and scrambled from the car , uncaring what interpretation he put on her haste .
16 The head moved slowly , taking in the dusky lengths of the wood-ride in both directions , and then fixed them once more with its fierce , terrible stare .
17 He put his hands together , palm to palm , then drew them slowly apart .
18 He put one hand over his mouth , then drew it slowly down over his throat onto his chest .
19 She looked down at it as though it belonged to somebody else , then drew it slowly out .
20 Bertie kissed it , then drew it aside .
21 ‘ When that failed I stuffed my right hand down its throat to stop it biting and then smacked it twice between the eyes with my left . ’
22 In a period of ten months in 1764 – 5 the Exeter Mercury reported the case of a man , wife , son and daughter-in-law jointly indicted for the murder of a girl apprentice by " beating and barbarously using her " ; the ill-treatment of a thirteen-year-old girl by a master and mistress who branded her on her buttocks , chained her for six hours to an apple tree and then beat her severely before making her work ; and a third case , which shows up the vulnerability to sexual abuse of children bound out by the parish , in which a man was sentenced for castrating two eight-year-old boys .
23 He took a group of young boys and monitored their play , divided them into three groups and showed each group one of three scenarios and then monitored them again .
24 just say , you can take a poem home and learn it and then recite at the next lesson and then used it just
25 He pointed the torch beam at the forest floor , which was littered with pieces of fallen bark , dried leaves and twigs , then moved it slowly towards a hole at the base of a tree trunk .
26 The Department of Employment reinstated my benefits ( joy ! ) and then stopped them again .
27 He stared at the paper for a moment then crumpled it angrily into a ball and tossed it into a corner .
28 ask them for another go , of course she left it till she had the results and then told me so I 'm writing now to the
29 He hesitated , and then told her frankly that he was interested from a financial point of view .
30 He held out his bowl for a second helping , then ate it rapidly , spilling some on his robe .
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