Example sentences of "then [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Then for long distance use we may require garages where you can simply exchange a battery pack for a fully charged one which you slide into the car .
2 I do n't think they had the money even then for separate coach and riding horses . ’
3 They adopted the time-honoured device of spending the night together at an hotel , but Herbert , nervous that something might go wrong , overtipped the chambermaid , who then through misplaced gratitude would not give the required evidence against him .
4 He was ordered complete rest and convalesced abroad for eight months before resuming work as consultant for the Skipton–Lancaster railway , at first jointly with Charles Vignoles [ q.v. ] and then as sole consultant .
5 Adam Smith did not deny that there were bad examples within the " system of repairing the highroads by tolls " , but in 1776 thought this was because the system was not then of long standing .
6 Although available most of the year , its enjoyable , explosive tropical flavour in winter heralds the promise of sweet new vegetables to come , and then of syrupy summer fruits .
7 Behind it one of those screens of elms , all dead even by then of Dutch elm disease .
8 Kermode sees this change — which is at the heart of what I am writing about — as having radical implications for letters , comparable to such things as the advent , first of printing and then of cheap paper ; the bourgeoisie 's greater leisure for private reading ; and the abandonment by circulating libraries of the three-volume novel , which had been the favoured vehicle for fiction during much of the nineteenth century : Kermode exaggerates a little , I think ; nothing in the establishment of university English is as important as the innovations in culture and technology which established the book in its modern form .
9 So undeserving of it was Jacob , that we might have accused God then of arbitrary favour , worse , of siding with the oppressor instead of the oppressed , as once he seemed to side with Sarah and Abraham against Hagar and Ishmael .
10 Accounts of the emergence first of retirement and then of early retirement suggest that older people and , it must be said , particularly older men , have in fact been used as a reserve army of labour , to be tapped when labour is in short supply and to be shed when demand falls ( Graebner , 1980 ; Phillipson , 1982 ; Walker , 1985b ) .
11 The principle then of Parliamentary sovereignty may , looked at from its positive side , be thus described : Any Act of Parliament , or any part of an Act of Parliament , which makes a new law , or repeals or modifies an existing law , will be obeyed by the courts .
12 In the early 1970s , academic literary theory established bridgeheads in Britain , entering at first directly from France , and then via American translation and intermediaries .
13 From Hawes End follow the path on to the Cat Bells ridge onto Cat Bells ( 1 mile ) and then onto Maiden Moor ( 1 mile ) and High Spy ( 1.5 mile ) .
14 The effect of micro-second synchronised detonation of chemical explosive onto beryllium , then onto uranium 238 , then onto uranium 235 , then onto weapons-grade plutonium 239 , and then onto the innermost pit and the core of tritium/deuterium .
15 ( 15 ) If the bidder itself is the subject of a bona fide offer ( or the bidder 's board has reason to believe that a bona fide offer may be imminent ) then under General Principle 7 and Rule 21 ( no frustrating action without shareholders ' approval ) any takeover by the bidder will require the prior approval of its shareholders ( see para 18.2.2 below ) .
16 A painting by his contemporary , Juan Bautista Maino , The Recapture of Bahia , of 1635 , represents the recapture of the harbour of Bahia in Brazil ( then under Spanish control ) from the Dutch in 1625 .
17 It was coming close to midsummer , and a time when every man had more than enough work on his own land ; but Bishop Hrolf , rendered pentecostal amid the dusty glory of his chosen element , dispensed his rota of tasks with a bone-clear , indisputable justice that only the hardier ever disputed , and then under plain fear of excommunication .
18 The patients with anterior infarction may collapse later , usually preceded by bundle branch block , and then into complete heart block-these patients also require a temporary pacemaker .
19 An Oxford graduate , he had moved into general management in manufacturing and then into international construction and consultancy from which he had been headhunted by Richard Addis , now one of his senior partners .
20 Belinda watched her , smiling at first because Faye really did seem pleased about the present , then with increasing anxiety .
21 The salmon can recognise this cocktail first in a generalised way in the brackish water of an estuary and then with increasing precision as they follow it into smaller and smaller tributaries until at last they reach the shallows where it exactly matches the prescription demanded by their nostrils .
22 He progressed north-east , using the uplift warily at first but then with increasing confidence , soaring round and round in its rising power and powering forward for miles , until he saw the hills begin to falter ahead and the ground to flatten unpromisingly .
23 She looked at it idly at first and then with increasing curiosity .
24 Seeing me , it had taken to the air , clumsily at first , then with Increasing speed as its great wings beat it downriver to Rash .
25 Delaney pushed him back , slowly at first , then with increasing ease , carrying on as he rolled over the top .
26 Each model was presented with a small crest , then with accentuated crest , then with small crest again on about 10d each ; roughly equal numbers of responses were scored in each phase .
27 I remember then with great affection and with quite a lot of pain . ’
28 Then with great clarity and anguish he remembered the moment when Westerman had put his question about a moral lead from the press , and instead of answering at once the idea had come to him of leaning forward and judiciously stubbing out his cigarette .
29 And then with great deliberation he turns to GUIL . )
30 and then with great rapidity after that the diploma so that she could be erm
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