Example sentences of "then came [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 A female squealed , and then came up to them rubbing her backside .
2 Her body was lifted from the coffin and carried through the dusk across the open fields that then came up to the hospital , to Ferry Beach .
3 Put the boat into the boat-house and made the doors fast , then came up to the house .
4 His hand brushed down the length of her body so that she shivered , then came up to cup her breast beneath the thin cotton of her nightgown .
5 As Hugh Paddick remembers : ‘ People then came up to him and asked for his autograph .
6 and then , and then came up to me and said erm
7 Some gave him their life history , then came round to saying that they were in bed , in the back of the villa , in the bath , already gone to work .
8 He got to his feet , leaving a handful of coins for the bill , then came round to her , bending to give her a swift , hard kiss on the mouth before striding off .
9 Subsequently he changed his mind , possibly in relation to pressure from outside , possibly in an attempt to make psychoanalysis more acceptable , possibly because he could n't come to terms with the fact himself and he then came round to the point of view that these were fantasised seductions as he called them .
10 We glimpse Raulinus , for example , who came from Devon in the mid-thirteenth century , wasted time as a student in Paris for two years and then came on to Bologna making a living copying manuscripts , drinking and writing love poems to Meldina .
11 He then came over to [ a WPC ] to tell her it was n't really an accident .
12 In our bungalow we also have Sister Susan , a Franciscan Sister of Atonement , an order which began as Anglican at the turn of the century , and then came over to Rome .
13 He looked inquiringly at Narouz and then came across to the two men , bowed and shook hands .
14 She fetched herself a packet of sandwiches from the counter and then came back to where she had been sitting .
15 ‘ I read Middle Eastern Languages , and spent a year in Turkey after Oxford , then came back to the Museum .
16 He rose from his chair , walked to the window , looked out , then came back to the table .
17 We then came back to London where fortunately no journalists or television crews were lying in wait for us , because the mission had been unofficial .
18 Finch finished the movement and then came back to the other room , thinking of how much time he had spent with Henry and Betty over the years .
19 For him it must be said that he went at once to report the death to authority , and then came back to us and again told the same story .
20 That then came back to you
21 I had a few words with him , then came back to the shop . ’
22 Then came back to me .
23 She walked away a little distance , then came back to him .
24 How could he make his drawings saleable , he asked angrily — and then came abruptly to the point .
25 The two horses then came close to me , looking at my face and clothes with great interest .
26 Without another word she went back into the kitchen then came out to him , closed the front door after her without locking it and got into the car .
27 er and then came forth to us with it .
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