Example sentences of "then i [vb base] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And they 're coming I do n't think I 'm taking for a couple of months , and then I take them every fortnight .
2 Well then I take it she is n't here . ’
3 Then I take it Dr Greene was n't too concerned ? ’
4 Right then I take it the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting haven been circulated already ?
5 and then I take it all erm , I start doing them regularly , I think it 's probably a tax you know some for the tax that they did , spend a lot of money
6 He saved my life once , ’ Wellington somehow managed to sound disapproving of both achievements , ‘ but if I had ten thousand like him tomorrow then I warrant we 'd see Napoleon beat by midday . ’
7 Why then I suck my teeth , and catechize
8 Then I wind them into balls and put them in the oven to dry , and that 's how I come to have all those woollen articles to sell . ’
9 ‘ Nicole comes into the workrooms , selects the cloths , and Kylie makes the decisions and then I make them to order , ’ he said .
10 I wait until it fills itself and then I swat it , the blood splashing over my hand .
11 I put my old gun in my pocket , then I put everything in a box for my midnight visitor to collect .
12 And he got upset , so I ended up having to bring him downstairs , give him his lunch first and then I put him to sleep in his pram this is all since the weekend this
13 I brought him downstairs give him his dinner and then I put him to sleep in his pram in the front room , but I think that 'd also er
14 that 's all grown from leaves , just put the leaves in water and the little shoots come on them and then I put them in after some , when they 've got their little roots on them and they grow , that 's , that 's one I 've grown from , from just leaves and one in over there in the window I 've grown from leaves .
15 Then I put her face on her desk , supported by a heap of loose files .
16 some little bits round the fence first then I put her ordinary food on her hut and do you know that little old beggar was
17 I carried mine , then I put it in my pocket and further along the route I gave it to someone in the crowd . ’
18 When I come to paint , I like to look at the drawing ; then I put it away and do n't look at it again , because I do n't want even the drawing to influence too much the progress of the painting .
19 How is it then I put it this way .
20 I put the small boat on my shoulders and carried it to the edge of the water , then I put it in the sea .
21 I took it out of the bed and stared at it , then I put it on the table beside my bed and put out the lights .
22 for dinner and dinner parties so I 'm sort of frantically trying to cut down , and then , you know , one dinner party and then I put it
23 Then I put my hair up with one hand and pretended I was a model .
24 Then I put my hands out to explore what I had tripped over .
25 Mr Laird said : ‘ Unless there is some event , some circumstance , some miracle that I can not see , then I repeat there is a possibility that the plant will cease to exist . ’
26 ‘ Unless there is some event , some circumstance , some miracle that I can not see , then I repeat there is a possibility that that plant will cease to exist . ’
27 if it starts getting milky then I change it but at the moment there 's only one little fish see ?
28 But , if you ever cause any more trouble , in any way to my family , or if I ever see you near our house , then I swear I 'll kill you both .
29 I always write my friends ' books into my Harrods list , even if they give me a copy , and then I keep it out quite a time so that other people ca n't have it .
30 And if I use humour to avoid your problem or make light of it , then I diminish its significance .
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