Example sentences of "him by [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He strongly disagrees with what was said about him by the Accounts Commission , ’ Mr Tait added .
2 Tim will be buried in the Everton shorts along with a signed Everton shirt given to him by the members of his favourite team .
3 Mr Hikmatyar , whose strength springs largely from the favours shown him by the Americans and Pakistanis in the 1980s , is now ‘ prime minister-designate ’ of Afghanistan .
4 He stood there like an idiot as she clasped him by the arms and kissed him on the cheek .
5 Collected Poems 1909–1935 provoked a respectful response from the critics , although there was a sense in which Eliot was now being taken for granted ; he had been assimilated , after something of a struggle against him by the purveyors of contemporary taste , and could quietly become a monument standing unnoticed by the roadside .
6 The head , operating under powers delegated to him by the governors , would set up criteria for the policy and appoint one of the staff to run the scheme .
7 He became mayor for the first time in October 1261 and was reappointed in October 1262 , years in which the king dominated London , having thrown off the restrictions imposed on him by the Provisions of Oxford in 1258 .
8 Reagan gave replies which were videotaped to 159 questions put to him by the lawyers of his former National Security Adviser , Rear Admiral John Poindexter , whose trial was due to open in Washington DC on March 5 .
9 Their response to the Lord Chancellor 's green papers , sent to him by the Judges ' Council , broke a long-standing convention that the judges made no comment as a group on proposed changes in the law .
10 She instantly jumped into the boat in which her father was seated , and seizing him by the breasts of his coat , motioned him to return to the shore .
11 OR there 's Gazza ( Paul Gascoigne ) when you grab him by the testicles and say ‘ Can you speak in a bit lower voice ? ’
12 Although he still speaks bitterly of the pressure put on him by the authorities , in fact they never succeeded in obliging him to send the children to school ; he was not even fined as he would have been in Britain .
13 Our last Letters are dated Hobart Town Feb. 9 up to which time his expedition had been eminently successful ; far more so than he could have anticipated ; the most liberal assistance had been rendered him by the Authorities , everything that could facilitate his views being cheerfully accorded : while nothing could exceed the kindness of Sir John and Lady Franklin in whose house he was then residing : in fact so much were they interested in his pursuits that upon more than one occasion they accompanied him in his exploring parties .
14 So what he had to do , the the the the customer in fact , is end up by climbing up the bannister to get to the top so that he could get hold of the lad that was at the top get hold of him by the feet and pull him upwards and over and er finally free the man at the bottom .
15 They are changed for him by the eagles who come and take him in his sleep to a new world — which Sam , with a resurrected Gandalf in front of him , very nearly perceives as Heaven .
16 By section 434(5) an answer given by a person to a question put to him by the inspectors may be used in evidence against him .
17 Still holding him by the ears , the Trunchbull lowered him back into his chair behind his desk .
18 She took him by the hands and said eagerly , ‘ Don — we could live here — it is right for us — would you like that , Don ? ’
19 Hitch grabbed him by the lapels , pulling him close .
20 Scott grabbed him by the lapels and hauled him to his feet .
21 I grab him by the lapels , and as my fingers scrabble for a hold I drop my little micro-transmitter into his breast pocket .
22 While I have him by the lapels I head-butt him across the face , to give him something else to think about .
23 Malik practically ran at him and grabbed him by the lapels .
24 Tony was cowering away , shaking as Damian held him by the lapels of his shirt .
25 ‘ God has already shown him by the lightnings what I do think he already knew in his heart .
26 The restriction has to be justified in this case as being reasonably required for the protection of the plaintiffs ' trade secrets by preventing the defendant from disclosing confidential information imparted to him by the plaintiffs in the course of his employment …
27 But if this state of comparative retirement owed much to his desire to experience as fully as possible the companionship of marriage , it was also imposed upon him by the demands of his still fragile health .
28 Their exploitation of this recently opened path aroused jealousy among the knights , one of whom refused to answer a charge levelled against him by the Erembalds in the court of Charles the Good , on the ground that his accusers ' lowly social origins barred them from comital justice .
29 But if he was going to carry the coffin he had to go to the funeral service , so the Church had him by the balls again , as it had , more or less , since he was born .
30 Its endemic pessimism had got him by the balls and left him beached and burned out by his late twenties , unemployed , unskilled and unloved by all but his widowed mother .
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