Example sentences of "then [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As Mansell , 38 , attempted to overtake , Senna moved wide to his left as he took the racing line in approach to the corner , forcing the Englishman to career wide and then off the circuit .
2 We turned north , away from the mountain , then off the highway on to a dirt road that soon became sand .
3 If his fragile skills made him a figure of immense vulnerability on the pitch , then off the pitch , in the press and in the corridors of football power , Jinky was hacked to bits and fullbacks were rarely to blame .
4 This is a trading practice ( more common on the Continent than in the United Kingdom ) whereby a trader organises a coach or boat trip and then during the trip gets the travellers to buy or offer to buy goods or services .
5 Having observed his or her own former situation by means of regression , the patent will then during the course of a counselling session have the opportunity to discuss what happened ( something that may never have been done before ) , to express anger at the perpetrator and possibly at others who may have guessed what was going on but perhaps did nothing to prevent it , and to understand that he or she was in no way to blame for what occurred .
6 and then that was it and then a bit later on , that was all they said about me haircut and then during the break somebody else said , there 's something else gone as well and they could n't make out what it what done mine in , my musical director he come , he says you know what will look nice now with that haircut do n't you ?
7 The man and the crocodile settled down to watch the film , then during the interval , the crocodile got up to go to the toilet .
8 Can you tell me then another side of this problem of abortion during the War is erm the problem of contraception then , erm I wonder do you think that people were n't aware of facilities for contraception then during the War ?
9 Did that stop then during the war ?
10 And then during the war too , he had his fun .
11 But er just er just different er Then during the war I I did the some of the er work for the cooperative you know , like fire damage or water damage and that you know .
12 For example , if the expanding surface S emits monochromatic radiation of fixed intensity , then during the time of the strong blue shift the intensity of the white hole , varies simply in proportion to the cube root of the frequency .
13 Then during the period 1410 — 50 the falling price of tin had necessitated increases in the number of work days and productivity to maintain the level of earnings , and more and more men , finding tinning an unrewarding way of satisfying their expectations , had turned to occupations such as cloth making and fishing .
14 He may enter into a contract of service or may agree to give his exclusive services to another : then during the period of the contract he is not entitled to engage in other business activities .
15 But what we do find helpful at this stage is to consider the pluses and minuses getting you to contribute what you think are the pluses and minuses or retirement and then during the conclusion stage we sort of look at these again and wonder whether we 've changed our view We hop you will because obviously this is the purpose of the of these talks .
16 As a result of this section , it is now open to a person to claim that he was unaware of the effect that his words or conduct might be having , in which case it is then for the prosecutor to prove beyond reasonable doubt that he was so aware .
17 It is then for the prosecutor to prove that the defendant did so intend or was aware .
18 And get yourself back to bed then for the day .
19 When consulted on the alterations , the ladies considered that it was wiser to spend on greens and approaches but ‘ if on the clubhouse then for the caretaker ’ — i.e. a larger kitchen and scullery ’ , although they admitted they would like more basins and another w.c .
20 Going for tea and then for the service afterwards .
21 If it is a customer service that gives advantage , then for the majority of consumers who have minimal communication with branch personnel , it is the personalised quality of the computerised communication systems that constitutes the service quality level .
22 ‘ If you intend me to infer that she was pregnant , then for the life of me I can see no reason why you do n't actually say so .
23 ‘ We must join up then for the rest of the evening , yes ?
24 Tim Smith could have blown this kick over , but it was downhill then for the rest of the first half .
25 It was idea , and I think it was partly enlightened self-interest , the principle being that if you throw a party , then for the rest of the course people will be inviting you !
26 The 1992 , Europe and Trade campaign , beginning in September 1992 , will have an emphasis on Latin America for the first four months and then for the remainder of the year will focus on Europe and Trade in the global context .
27 In the nineteen hundreds , he was concerned with the foundations of mathematics , and then for the remainder of his life , roughly between nineteen-ten and nineteen-fifty , or indeed to the very end of his life , he was concerned with two sets of knowledge , erm problems in the theory of knowledge , and problems about social organization and personal conduct .
28 R : in those days + when we were young + there was no local fire engine here + it was just a two-wheeled trolley which was kept in the borough + in the borough eh store down on James Street + and whenever a fire broke out + it was just a question of whoever saw the fire first yelling ‘ Fire ’ + and the nearest people ran for the trolley and how they got on with it goodness knows + nobody was trained in its use + anyway everybody knew to go for the trolley + well + when we were children + we used to use this taw [ t– : ] + it smouldered furiously + black thick smoke came from it and we used to get it burning + and then go to a letter box and just keep blowing + open the letter box + and just keep blowing the smoke in + you see + till you 'd fill up the lower part of the house with nothing but smoke + there was no fire + but just fill it up with smoke + just to put the breeze up + just as a joke + and then of course + when somebody would open a window or a door the smoke would come pouring out + and then + everybody was away then for the trolley + we just stood and watched all of them + +
29 And on Marx 's notion of the class struggle , Darlington adds : No support here then for the necessity of the class war between proletariat and bourgeoisie , to be fought to its revolutionary finish .
30 an angels that turn bad , just like a lot of mankind turn bad er they put on flesh then for the purpose of marrying the goodlooking daughters of men
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