Example sentences of "then [verb] [pers pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 To deny herself equally , she acknowledged bitterly , still painfully aware of her body 's aching need for fulfilment as she pulled the straps of her dress up over her shoulders and then zipped it up swiftly .
2 A wave slapped the back of his neck , first throwing him upwards then drawing him down , and he slid beneath the surface like a waterlogged spar .
3 He kept trying to put his near-side front paw to the ground and then drawing it up again , hopping on three legs .
4 The design is created by wrapping a weft thread around four ( or sometimes more ) warp strands and then drawing it back and wrapping it around two , a technique of " looped " weaving not dissimilar to the way fishermen make their nets .
5 Formed by looping the pile yarn through two warp strands and then drawing it back through one .
6 Its end is both sticky and muscular so that a toad can use it first to grasp a worm or a slug and then to carry it bodily back to the mouth .
7 She can lower the drawbridge for you , then raise it again without hindrance .
8 This annual service charge is an object of some suspicion as far as many would-be buyers are concerned , and in some countries there is legislation to protect buyers against developers who set the charge low initially and then raise it excessively later .
9 He looked down miserably , and then wiped them away .
10 Spat on it , then wiped it again .
11 Vernage then stabbed him again and Sergeant King was dead on arrival at Hospital .
12 Whilst most of this macro was created using the Macro Record facility , the sections which deal with the path and document name were added by loading the macro as a file and then typing them in .
13 Select EDIT TEAM , and change COMPUTER ( top left of screen ) to your own name by placing the cursor over the first letter then typing it in on the keyboard .
14 He kebabs his victim on the end of a spike and then turns it round and round over the flames .
15 Freud 's finding was that guilt is , starts off as an aggressive drive in the id that could go anywhere , preferably towards other people , but the superego uses some of this aggression and destructive energy arising in the id and then turns it back against the ego , and uses it to punish the ego , so the aggression , instead of going into someone else or into the outside world , is turned back against the self and to that extent is self-destructive .
16 Meanwhile , Flupper showed us the deadly thorn bushes that wrap round their prey like octopuses : and then whooshed us off at savage speeds — sometimes so fast he aquaplaned over the water .
17 He then pinned him down until police arrived .
18 That brought tears to my eyes and I turned away so that Jeff would n't be able to see them , then fought them back .
19 He told her how much he had missed her while he was away skiing and then asked her simply to marry him .
20 And then asked her out it orgasmo , or what , too !
21 The waitress added up the modest sum , and then asked them regretfully if they were leaving the district for good .
22 I then asked him how he managed the place .
23 Eventually I asked him how he had become a Christian and why he had believed , and then asked him how he would answer some of the questions that his visit to a French university was bound to raise .
24 The Captain filled in the space where Maxwell might have thought he had to apologize , and then asked him quickly : ‘ What did you do in the north of Italy in January ?
25 He tilted his head to one side , then straightened it again .
26 He then led them back to the safety of the Allied trenches .
27 Sister Cecilia held out a hand towards her , saying , ‘ Come child , come , ’ then led her out of the room , through the corridor , upstairs , and into her cubicle .
28 He cuts the tenon shoulders one at a time , and then lines them up to make a final pass if necessary .
29 The subtler newt waves its tail at the female and then trembles it provocatively , setting up ripples in the water which carry the aphrodisiac to her .
30 He did n't like to think he was the kind of person who took things from strangers in pubs and then passed them off as presents to girls he was supposed to love .
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