Example sentences of "him [verb] [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Fred Proctor asked him to sit down as he had been speaking long enough .
2 She heard him returning just as she sat back to admire her handiwork .
3 ‘ Patsy , will you run down to Dr Johnson 's like a good girl and ask him to come over as soon as he can .
4 She remembered him laughing kindly as he said this , because he liked Joe , he liked Joe very much ; but at the same time he felt guilty about him , because in a way he had made use of him as a sort of cover .
5 It 's the only way to make sure — ’ The heart machine behind him bleeped noisily as his heartbeat shot up dramatically .
6 I saw him grinning ferally as he worked the gun with both hands , spent cartridges flying into the air .
7 Bucknor said it should be changed , but Azharuddin persuaded him to play on as the game was almost over .
8 What the admiring spectators did n't see was Zarei sitting in the first aid room and insisting those helping him look away as he took off his socks , ‘ because I do n't want to frighten you ’ , and later on slipping a tape of Irish Folk music in to his Walkman as he went back on to the track and muttering quietly to himself , ‘ that will help me stop thinking of the pain ’ .
9 Nevertheless , I should advise him to tread gently as yet in the march .
10 ‘ I 'm — I 'm — a virgin , ’ she told him honestly , and saw him move involuntarily as though startled , as though that had never occurred to him .
11 ignore her and er pop next door and I mean I do n't mind him popping out as long as he 's
12 Two things made him slow down as he came to the entrance .
13 Suppose that the father had later authorised the creditor to sue for the balance of the debt — or required him to do so as trustee ( see Vaughan Williams L.J. ) ?
14 She saw him scowl darkly as he scanned the page , and wondered for a few moments if perhaps , although he could speak her tongue almost as if he 'd been born in her country , he did not read English so well .
15 It was to meet cases of this kind that Equity invented the great remedies of specific performance and injunction : specific performance to compel a man actually to do what he has promised — to give you the land in return for the money , to pay you the purchase money in return for the land ; injunction to forbid him to do what he has promised not to do or what he has no right to do — to forbid him to open the public house or the music-school , to forbid him to build so as to block up your light , even to compel him to pull down the objectionable wall ; the last sort of injunction is called mandatory .
16 Her beauty made him gasp anew as she moved towards him smiling .
17 Nevertheless , he had cast the Marshal a grateful look when he saw him standing there as promised , watching with his big , slightly bulging eyes .
18 She took the memory of it upstairs to bed with her , but all the time that she wrote she could see him sitting there as he had been when he had first lit the lamp , his face full of an old pain .
19 I could not have him put down as I am a widow and he keeps me company .
20 " I 'm not seeing a girl , " Patrick insisted with a grin , his sister was as eager to see him married off as his mother was against the idea .
21 She watched him undress just as he 'd watched .
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