Example sentences of "have been [vb pp] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It jumped headfirst into the 1980s property boom and is now paying the price : the ebbing tide has revealed not only severe recession damage , but also gaping holes which should have been plugged years ago .
2 Once all the information has been incorporated , the sequence of phases will have been assigned dates at various points , although these will be of differing quality : some may be accurate to a few years , others only to the nearest couple of centuries .
3 No material was found , and the Home Office insisted that if it had been it would not have been made public .
4 The procedure is only available for proposed and not completed mergers and the merger proposal must have been made public .
5 The arguaments over the truth of the book and whether it should have been made public will rage for some time to come .
6 The shows may have been made aeons ago , but endless reruns have ensured kitsch classic status for information obsessives .
7 Had the Republican candidate in 1980 been an ideologue , he would have suffered the same fate as Barry Goldwater in 1964 ; if , by some fluke , he had been elected , he would have been denied cooperation by congress and would have been drummed out of office in 1984 .
8 Sometimes when the glass has been removed for cleaning and restoration it may have been reassembled back-to-front .
9 If this were correct , Aldfrith would probably have been born c .
10 Similarly , the Prayer Book published in 1559 described the baptized child as ‘ a member of Christ , the child of God , and an inheritor of the kingdom ’ , a form of words which seemed to discount the possibility that the infant might have been born reprobate .
11 Michael Green of Carlton may have won the London daily franchise from Thames and Andrew Quinn may have been appointed head of ITV 's scheduling , but they still have everything to prove .
12 Had the court been provided with the information that was necessary , he said , PW would not have been appointed receiver-manager because of ‘ the untenable conflict position ’ in which it had placed itself .
13 ‘ If we had gone out over two legs to Leeds and failed to reach the last eight of the European Cup , Rangers would have been branded failures .
14 He was the town naughty boy all right , and it was incongruous that he should have been named Wesley .
15 Any one of a very large number of ways of throwing rocks together would be labelled a mountain , and might have been named Mont Blanc .
16 Looks as if it should have been done hours ago , if you ask me .
17 So , what did you think of the adverts ? of Decommissioning and Waste Management 's Transport Technology Department felt that the idea of the high-profile campaign was ‘ good , but it should have been done years ago ’ .
18 " It could have been done years ago , but nobody was really interested in it . "
19 She 'd have been given help by the Lord Chancellor 's Department , and her costs would have been minimal .
20 The Leeds manager would never have been given air time on general football matters as he was always perceived as someone who was fronting an organisation that stood for the worst things in football .
21 More commonly , he will have been given power to make laws , subject only to the controlling authority of one or both Houses of Parliament to unmake them , or to withhold the endorsement necessary for them to continue to enjoy the force of law .
22 But there is an action group of people opposed to it who say it should never have been given planning permission .
23 Many Bristol graduates will have been taught music by Professor Ray Warren but I wonder how many have been taught mathematics by him ?
24 Conciliation officers from the Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service ( ACAS ) will have been sent copies of the Originating Application and Notice of Appearance .
25 If you live outside reasonable travelling distance of the campus , you will have been sent details concerning accommodation at the time of confirmation of your place at the University .
26 At all periods there must have been recognised places in a locality where goods could have been acquired or disposed of .
27 Must have been built m Georgian times . ’
28 However , the COB Rules that are applied to these group activities will only apply if they would have been regulated business ( and so within the territorial scope of the SFA rules ) if they had in fact been investment business .
29 A prostitute who was murdered and dumped in a canal may have been kept prisoner for twenty-four hours before she was killed .
30 He suggested that Abraham Ross might have been mistaken in. thinking both burglars had Scottish accents .
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