Example sentences of "have been [verb] out " in BNC.

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1 It was just as well Kenneth 's phone was n't engaged because , presumably , if he 'd been chatting to John Major about the situation in the Middle East , or talking to David Mellor about fun , poor old Johan would have been chucked out of the country .
2 Many believe that Mr Kinnock 's heart may have been cut out and stamped on but that it beats anew in Mr Brown , and for this reason alone the party leader is credited with wanting the 41-year old Scot to succeed him in the event of disaster .
3 He might have been cut out of cardboard , she thought , as she led him across the hall and into the dining -room , where she introduced him to Susan .
4 The hon. Member for Dagenham must have been speaking out of turn at that time ; he has certainly been nobbled since .
5 Had the company decided to provide tax on the revaluation surplus , the provision would have been made out of the revaluation surplus , ie the tax would have followed the surplus ( SSAP 15 , para 39 ) .
6 PAUL MERSON may have been bombed out of the Arsenal team by George Graham for being overweight .
7 Even though the reason for permitting the employees to continue work pending the appeals may have been born out of a sense of leniency , the proper course of action would have been to suspend the employees pending the hearing of the appeals .
8 Chris had to hold on to the grab handle of the jeep or she would have been flung out .
9 ‘ Folk must have been swept out to sea .
10 She should have been trying out her identity on friends around her own age , not in front of the world 's media .
11 He much prefers to drive something that has been on the market for two or three years , reasoning that most of the initial problems should have been ironed out .
12 Small inaccuracies could have been ironed out : Redon 's lithographs , discussed by Jirat-Wasiutynski , for example , are not printed on ‘ tissue ’ but on Chine collé which is quite different .
13 Michael Goodman , spokesman for the Lower Ormeau Residents ' Action Group , said he had hoped any problems would have been ironed out following a meeting with Laganside , the DoE and the contractors last month .
14 Any irregularities in the universe would simply have been smoothed out by the expansion , as the wrinkles in a balloon are smoothed away when you blow it up .
15 Home Secretary Kenneth Clarke ordered the review , despite telling MPs yesterday : ‘ If officials had found out any information about Mr Clinton it would not have been given out . ’
16 On the second day Smith was palpably out lbw but went on the score 42 ; Mujtaba was given out when the ball seemed to hit his boot ; and Gooch , I believe , should have been given out three times in the second innings .
17 We must have overlooked it somehow , as it surely could n't have been missed out altogether ?
18 Eventually through reasonably correct bid evaluation , we began to learn how to cost out inferior bids , when we had a very very low bid in we could see that certain things had been skimped , certain things might even have been missed out completely , and we then began to cost the effect of that on the organization .
19 However , the papers will have been sent out and hopefully these have been of interest .
20 This , said the Rev. Tolming , even when the children were so young that they should not have been sent out , and also when the nature of their health rendered it dangerous .
21 He would have been acting out of character and trying on something his party had wearied of .
22 ‘ We might have been locked out . ’
23 Erm and at that ti but other than that , mind you I su I suppose that if , if I 'd been at home I should have probably been expected to be in , but I do n't think I should have been locked out .
24 They would have been locked out in the street .
25 Only later , when we saw the photographs , did we appreciate that Donnelly must have been magicked out of the car at the precise millisecond when the car exploded on impact .
26 The historical value of their origin legend is open to question ; a national migration from the Baltic is unlikely , but the story may have been built out of traditions relating to specific groups which had played a part in the formation of the Gothic nation at various stages in its history .
27 A dye house appears in the references , although part of the site may have been leased out , as both John Lovegrove and William Pitt are mentioned in connection with the latter .
28 The consensus was overwhelming , but Shaughnessy could call none of his informants to the witness stand , even if they had been willing to testify , because almost everything they had told him — no matter how detailed and how well corroborated by information from other independent sources — would have been ruled out as inadmissible hearsay .
29 It might also have disturbed them to know that in such circumstances what is still a fairly new and effective lifeline for them would have been ruled out — insurance .
30 This was before all this publicity , like , but she still should have been sussed out .
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