Example sentences of "have been [verb] by " in BNC.

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1 Clearly without the deprivation payments some good inner city practices would have been bankrupted by the new contract .
2 He took the view that the matters raised by the counterclaim would better have been raised by judicial review .
3 That may change ; for , in recent years , developments in banking and commercial circles have led to the invention of a remarkable array of new and highly sophisticated types of ‘ securitised ’ loan investments as a result of which finance , which would formerly have been raised by a straightforward bank loan ( for most purposes not a debenture ) may be obtained through the issue of instruments , some of which for most purposes unquestionably are debentures and others of which may or may not be .
4 A few sinuous ridges are seen , steep on both sides , and these too may have been raised by interior contraction .
5 By using individual company case-studies and macro-economic evidence , this research will provide some answers to the questions of why these alternatives failed , and whether productivity could have been raised by a general adoption of different incentive and reward structures in industry .
6 It may even have been increased by the new Article 92 , in spite of the continuing ban on discrimination on the basis of nationality .
7 After a great expansion of HP in the 1920s , particularly for cars and for electrical goods , and then various repossession problems which may have been highlighted by the depression of the thirties , the Hire-Purchase Act 1938 introduced various controls .
8 Because the professional services will have been supplied to the landlord , only the landlord may recover as his input tax the VAT on those costs , even though they may have been borne by the tenant : because the expense is not on a supply to the tenant , the tenant can not deduct the VAT as input tax .
9 Resources were obtained from central government under the 1952 Town Development Act and the 1961 Housing Act which subsidized the importation of an over spill population , but these were far less than would have been provided to a designated New Town where all infrastructure costs would have been borne by central government .
10 It is very important that credit is given for any UK tax which may have been borne by an overseas trust .
11 These two tendencies may have been exacerbated by the rise in public expenditure in the 1960s , as Bacon and Eltis suggest , but they were not the cause of it , since they preceded it .
12 This led to forced feedings of turkeys , and , after being voided , resultant germination of seeds of the tree which was on the verge of extinction , though this may have been exacerbated by the depredations of introduced monkeys , which take unripe fruits .
13 Mr has low back pain , sometimes with left sided sciatica , which he 's suffered from since the twenty second of June nineteen eighty eight and which may have been exacerbated by lifting the plaintiff .
14 The death of the third , however , might have been hastened by the salmonella complication .
15 Even if it had survived , it is a moot point how long this bias would have been tolerated by West Germany .
16 The leaves may have been scorched by the salt in the wind , especially those strong winds that often blow in to Blackpool off the sea .
17 In the Curragh Affair of 1914 some British officers appeared to claim to stand for a special national interest above that asserted by civilian politicians and their attitude would have been understood by professional soldiers in other countries .
18 For instance most of this debate would not have been understood by many people in my parish .
19 The progression of understanding of various forms of disease can be traced throughout history : Short sight may not have been understood by stone-age man .
20 Efforts to help them have been hampered by a crippling shortage of transport and medicine .
21 But this latest initiative is to raise funds for specific projects , initiated from the state sector , and which before the crisis would automatically have been funded by the state .
22 Certainly , his intellectual position would not have been jeopardised by such an extension of his arguments .
23 Though , within the limits of building activity set by the Labour government , it is unlikely that the development charge procedure seriously affected the supply of land , it is probable that the Conservative government 's plans for private building would have been jeopardised by it .
24 Never could they have been visited by so many young girls .
25 Formerly , a centre offering these three types of SCOTVEC provision within one cognate area would have been visited by three different external verifiers .
26 And he concluded , quite soberly , that they must have been visited by muse .
27 And he went to them , and he found that they had n't a clue what they 'd written , and he concluded , quite soberly , that they must have been visited by a Muse .
28 That way she will be registered , and she and her family will have been checked by police .
29 Large medical expenses accounts should have been checked by Europ Assistance but these should still be examined as it is not unknown for such accounts to include TVs and even bar charges .
30 Local opinion was outraged ; Price was brought to trial and would have been convicted by the jury if the judge had not insisted that his offence had been against morals and not against the law .
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