Example sentences of "have on [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Please add any additional comments you may have on a separate piece of paper , in no more than 100 words .
2 In practice this should mean that the design of consents has been influenced less by conceptions about the similarity of discharges than by a scientific analysis of the impact a particular discharge may have on a particular watercourse and the polluting load that that watercourse can accept , according to agency plans for river quality .
3 Kingfisher risks having its bid held up by a Monopolies Commission investigation because of the grip it would have on the electrical retailing market if it controlled Dixons and Currys as well as Comet .
4 as if conscious of the damaging effect this group must have on the imagined relationship between the Poet and the Friend , damaging to the Poet and damaging to the reader 's view of both the Friend and the Poet ( ‘ why does he persevere ? ’ readers may ask in some irritation when confronted with such a catalogue of the Friend 's faults ) , Shakespeare sets matters even by writing what seems to be a related group where the Poet describes his own faults ( 109 , 110 , 111 , 112 ; 117 , 118 , 119 , 120 ) .
5 What effect does this have on the legal model ?
6 These two cases also illustrate the effect that emotional blocks or upsets can have on the overall health of the individual .
7 Well , our main subject obviously this morning , a great talking point of course , is the conflict in the Gulf and erm the overnight development of that missile attack on Israel , we 're still waiting to hear what erm effects that will have on the Israeli 's attitude , will they actually strike back , and if they do strike back and retaliate on Iraq , what effect will that have on the overall conflict ?
8 Environmentalists , however , are concerned about the effect that the plant will have on the immediate area , the nation 's last large scale expanse of lowland tropical forest .
9 The preferred method of financing is established by considering the characteristics of the project , the sponsor 's objectives and the impact that each of the financing options will have on the financial return from the project .
10 Another interesting example of the powerful effect which hypnosis can have on the various planes of the individual is provided by the case of a middle-aged lady from Stornoway who was admitted to the local cottage hospital with terminal breast cancer .
11 She said that some of her council members were worried about the effect my outfit would have on the young girl athletes who were running at the meeting .
12 Less easy to determine is precisely what impact the newcomers , a familiar mixture of trade union officials and members of the teaching profession , would have on the political hue of the parliamentary party .
13 Obviously you can not know in advance which type of mat will be used at a particular tournament , so you should do your final training on any type of mat , just to get used to the feel , and then try to use any free time you may have on the actual competition areas to get a little practice in beforehand .
14 How does what what what impact does that have on the actual problems that they actually .
15 So it looks as though the Government has given the council a cautious go-ahead to draw up a scheme if not to beat the Tay , then to lessen the disastrous effects another flood would have on the long suffering Perthshire population .
16 The debate on these options in Whitehall was one-sided , because the RAF wanted to maintain its hold on the deterrent and the Navy was still uncertain about what effect a take-over bid would have on the future size and shape of the Fleet .
17 The question most often asked by those who have heard an explanation of the mechanics of how parliamentary scrutiny works is what influence does it have on the final result — the directive or regulation which becomes Community law .
18 It is important that the lawyers consider carefully the effect that a change of control will have on the ongoing business .
19 How well she knew — and who better ? — the devastating effect that this man 's presence could have on the female population .
20 Because the position the typing line will have on the printed page does not appear onscreen , it is vital to check the sizes of your margins to make sure you get the placing you require ; for instance , to line up with a letterhead ( see Task 18 ) .
21 He is also angry at the effect this increase will have on the old , the unemployed and those on low incomes .
22 No-one , except perhaps a few scientists , had any idea of the long-term effects the dropping of these two bombs would have on the unfortunate Japanese — and perhaps even the scientists were unsure .
23 This refers to the way in which a particular experimenter may influence different subjects , or to the effect that different experimenters may have on the same subject .
24 I think the important point I 'd like to make at the outset is that when the review of the requirement was carried out it was carried out both nationally and on a four nation basis , the ministers , once that was complete , the ministers decided that and stated publicly in December ninety two , that we will continue with the existing airframe and engine combination and that each nation er based on a family of aircraft concept could decide from a menu which equipments it would fit according to their individual requirements and their budget and we looked individually at each of the items to see what impact it would have on the operational capability if we were to remove them and what erm was decided in the end and the requirement reflects this , was signed last month by the Chief Surveyor 's staff , is that some nations have decided to remove certain items of equipment but for the U K we felt that it was necessary to keep all the major items and therefore as far as the U K is erm impact on the operational requirement is concerned , there is no significant alteration in its operational capability and therefore in overall percentage terms there is no decrease in the capability at all .
25 Er Our local reporter Caroline er will be contacting me with regard to any suggestions I may have on the editorial side .
26 Environmental campaigners are concerned about the effect ozone depletion may have on the marine food chain as the uv radiation affects plankton living on the ocean surface .
27 This is not only because of the harmful effects they can have on the physical self but also because the need for them indicates a severe deficiency in the emotional self — a deficiency which needs to be helped and treated rather than disguised .
28 We also speak of being ‘ consumed ’ with guilt and , although we are not literally eaten away , the phrase is not so very far from the truth when you consider the harmful effect guilt can have on the physical body .
29 It remains to be seen what effect the moves will have on the Open Software Foundation' plans for AT&T-free versions of its Microkernel-based OSF/2 operating system , using a mixture of Berkeley and Carnegie Mellon code .
30 What you do have on the furthest extent of Nottingham , are the council estates of Rise Park , Bestwood Park , and Top Valley in the North .
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