Example sentences of "have go [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He 'll have to go without pay and I told him there and then .
2 It sees fiscal 1994 turnover of $1,000m , compared with $1,300m this year ; 3,300 more jobs will have to go over time .
3 It sees fiscal 1994 turnover of $1,000m , compared with $1,300m this year ; 3,300 more jobs will have to go over time .
4 Apart from other considerations , many other almost insuperable obstacles , in order to get hold of Mike or her father she would have to go through switchboards and in her father 's case a secretary .
5 This works slightly differently from the one Kev 's suggesting , coz we did n't have to go through auctions and all that , we were just given a list of players with their prices , and given 20 million to spend .
6 Why does he have to go through Mordecai ? ’
7 Lasting impressions so far : the sun ( miraculously ) shining on the slopes of Dalwhinnie , far in the north , on the first leg of the journey ; stumbling across Drew from the World Cup holiday in a motorway café somewhere in England in the middle of the night ; breakfast and mineral water with Claire ( oh , it was good to see her ) in an Italian cafe near London Victoria ; people throwing up all over the joint on the Seacat crossing to Boulogne ( and me staggering about , legs way out of control , on the deck , getting soaked by the spray , saltwater taste in the mouth , and a rainbow arcing on top of the water behind the catamaran ) ; complaining English and American tourist ( ‘ It 's ridiculous that we have to go through customs — why do we have to go through customs anyway ? … ) ; terrible fatigue on the train to Paris , and temperamental French men shouting and swearing at each other in the aisle ; relief at finding Angela 's flat in Paris ; difficult negotiation of the very narrow stairwell , finally finding her way at the top on the 6th floor ; food , and wine , and a shower , and a bed-settee for the night ; Japanese tourists at Notre Dame , and a man announcing his state of poverty and homelessness on the Métro — ‘ ‘ .
8 You might say to yourself , well is this a very rare occurrence , so that really this branch is making a fuss about nothing , branches do n't have to go through appeals procedures , cos it never happens .
9 Actively employed at sea for nearly twenty years , for the most part in Far Eastern seas which can legitimately be called romantic , Conrad had no need to add extra colour to his raw material , nor did he have to go beyond fact to find episodes , incidents and nuggets of action to transfer to fiction .
10 Jessica announced she felt pissed and would have to go onto lemonade or leave the car outside the Amsterdam all night — which raised guffaws as to what she thought she 'd find left of it the morrow — and Mallachy offered to drive it home for her for twenty quid plus his taxi back , although he did n't have a licence .
11 I thought I used to I used to say to her sometimes I 'll have to go off story .
12 I 'll have to go into Poole
13 We 'll have to go into setaside , which I 'm not keen on .
14 When people get it , they may have to go into hospital or a special home , to rest , or perhaps to stay .
15 This year they said she was too ‘ far gone ’ and she 'd have to go into hospital if I wanted a holiday ; getting a definite date for that was impossible so I could n't book anything .
16 He said : ‘ It makes sense to me to prevent ill health , so that people do n't have to go into hospital in the first place .
17 My plan was to take a Bachelor of Music degree — for which , at that time one did not even have to go into residence .
18 On the other hand , the larger the quantity ordered , the more will have to go into stock as temporarily idle resources , also a costly business .
19 ‘ You did not have to go into partnership with the fool . ’
20 Before arriving in the Soviet Union , Holovich was recruited by the British espionage service and was given instructions for a contact — I do n't have to go into detail , these are matters available to me .
21 ‘ If Steve does n't come back for a few days I 'll probably have to go into Palma and see the airlines and the tourist board myself . ’
22 But I 'll have to go into town first .
23 Have a game of something Neil , then you wo n't have to go into town will you ?
24 She hoped she would n't have to go into details .
25 Just then Albert put his head round the door and I could see that Dad was relieved that he did not have to go into explanations .
26 The whole system of things and people which surrounds us coerces us to be conformist ; even if you want to be a social rebel you will still have to go about things in a conventional way if you are to gain recognition and not be rated as insane .
27 Because of his Dublin escapade , however , Sandy said he 'd have to go to Monte Carlo , the next tournament .
28 I 'd have to go to Parliament and bribe them to pass a law specially for my divorce . ’
29 Jane , you do n't have to go to Ireland to vote do you ?
30 So erm I might have to go to Peterborough yet on that day and get myself kitted out .
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