Example sentences of "have [vb pp] him [det] " in BNC.

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1 It might have given him some small comfort to know that , 75 years later , hydro-electric power was successfully produced a few miles away at Coaley Mill .
2 Existentialism and all those other topical philosophies of the past three decades , which seemed important at the time , may have given him some guidelines .
3 Dowd had stayed out of the Retreat all the time he 'd waited for Godolphin ( a wearisome three days ) even though it would have given him some measure of protection against the bitter cold .
4 The check would have given him more control over the hammers and the freedom to play more powerfully than he had done in 1777 , without making the piano jangle .
5 Doyle , he suspected , would have respected him more if he had occasionally been less accommodating .
6 Next is Aled Williams of Bridgend , whose consistency in domestic matches , which might not be transferred to internationals , should have earned him more than a replacement honour ( out of position ) against Namibia in 1990 .
7 His pride could not have permitted him this simple insight .
8 It could have saved him this time , but the policeman , half nerved up for aggression , caught him fairly in the doorway and hung on with professional ease .
9 That could n't have done him any good . ’
10 ‘ Father , ’ said Tutilo , burning into startling whiteness , ‘ I pledge you my faith I never did nor never would have done him any harm , nor do I know of any who might need to wish him ill .
11 Anyway , his years there ca n't have done him any good . ’
12 Er could n't have done him any harm .
13 He said : ‘ I could have seen him this morning before your lot arrived but I funked it . ’
14 Of course if Adam had invited his parents to make themselves at home at Wyvis Hall , use it as a hotel , while he was away , they would have lent him any amount , but that was the last thing Adam would have done .
15 Even Crump himself might be better meeting his Judgement now , after a life of useful business , than later when the disturbances of retirement — already foreshadowed — would most likely have made him less of a man than he was now , less happy , less useful , perhaps even diminished , by turbulent pettiness , in the very qualities which might now ensure his redemption .
16 And probably he would have found the Whistler more understandable than the pop star whose gyrations would surely have convinced him that man was in the grip of his final , manic St Vitus 's dance .
17 I 'd have told him all about the breastfeeding and bonding if the Morrisons had n't chosen that moment to arrive on the doorstep with Christopher and Katy who 'd been to Bertelli 's for their weekly dose of colourings , preservatives and sugar .
18 If nothing else , the appearance of the terrace , arranged like a huge bed , would have told him that .
19 Two out of the three instances ( " I don " t believe any of that … " ( p. 71 ) and " How could I have told him that ?
20 Eventually , most of his estates in Northumberland were entailed upon the Percy family , who may indeed have advanced him some of the money he needed in 1332 .
21 Good lord ! and but for his hand going up she would really have brained him this time , and then where would she have been ?
22 While political consistency can be over-rated as a virtue — Ted Heath being an example of what happens to a politician whose mind remains fixed while the world moves by him — the rapidity with which Kinnock changed position may have damaged him more than his supporters thought it would .
23 How could she have called him that ?
24 Ron Robinson took charge of this element and the gathering that was achieved might have caused him more than a few ulcers , but he had to admit was more than worth the effort !
25 I suppose I must have touched him many times before , but not consciously or deliberately .
26 It would have taken him all day even if they 'd had enough tarmac in the back of the pickup !
27 ‘ You should never have sent him that valentine . ’
28 ‘ I could have sent him some of my wages . ’
29 The work of translation itself , quite apart from his grand conception of his purpose in undertaking it , must have afforded him some solace .
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