Example sentences of "have [vb pp] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 IF ALGERNON Swinburne had been an able seaman he might have referred to the sea as ‘ the oggin ’ but certainly not as ‘ the great sweet mother ’ , which he did .
2 Leslie had stated that he actually saw a telegram saying that ‘ all had been caught ’ , but this may have referred to the four spies which had been picked up near Rye in Kent .
3 In the overview of the provisions of the Trade Union Reform and Employment Rights Bill 1992 , which appeared in ACCOUNTANCY 's December 1992 issue ( see p 128 ) , the reference under Wages Councils to the repeal of Part II of the Wages Act 1980 should have referred to the repeal of Part II of the Wages Act 1986 .
4 I should have referred to the hon. Member for Dunfermline , West ( Mr. Douglas ) , who comes from Govan .
5 Otherwise , he would never have referred to the only point upon which he and his advisors were at odds .
6 For example , in the story above , Mrs Glen may have jumped to the wrong conclusion but if you were Mrs Glen how would YOU feel if you were tired , your lesson had been disrupted by exams in the hall next door , several people in the class were being awkward , you get interrupted by an unhappy violin teacher moaning about his pupils not turning up on time and then you re-enter your classroom to find someone crawling under your desk with a handful of expensive musical instrument ? !
7 I went on my way happy after that — indeed , happier than I had been before I had seen the strange apparitions-and it occurred to me that somebody both less logical and less imaginative would have jumped to the conclusion that what they had seen were UFOs .
8 One upper-class motherless boy moved to live with a great-uncle who ‘ treated me with the same affection which he would have given to a son .
9 An artist has perhaps given as much time to a single major work as a composer might have given to a sonata or whatever it may be .
10 This file should contain the responses the user would have given to the prompts had the system been used interactively , as described below .
11 This file should contain the responses the user would have given to the prompts for the relevant options had the system been used interactively as described below .
12 This file should contain the responses the user would have given to the prompts for the relevant options had the system been used interactively .
13 Added to this the partner of the black hole must have swollen to the giant stage in order that material can be transferred rapidly enough to give an accretion disc that produces detectable numbers of X-rays .
14 Traherne must have conformed to the religious requirements of the Commonwealth .
15 ‘ If only it had been me I would have flown to the highest tree where they could n't catch me and then , and then into the sky to find the wind . ’
16 If your husband retires on a Friday , it is unrealistic to think that your great new life together will take off with a flourish the following Monday ; but the good news is that if you can think in terms of allowing yourselves time to renegotiate the way you live together , the chances are that you will both have adjusted to the new situation within about two years .
17 Conventional economic analysis would have pointed to the opposite policy , but would have ignored the human factor in making a complete system work .
18 The chair would have fallen to the floor had Laura not reached out to catch it .
19 Market estimates for yesterday 's intervention put the Bank 's purchases of pounds as high as $500m , and there were indications that the authorities may have intervened to a similar extent the day before , when sterling fell almost 6 pfennigs .
20 A look back at the history of the Hinkley site must have added to the CEGB 's optimism .
21 The St Clair had been launched just five months previously and her spick and span shiny newness must have added to the air of wealth and progress .
22 By then , though , Rangers should have added to the scoreline — and goal difference may be important in this group .
23 The United States had a strong direct interest in seeing that Britain did not try to solve its payments problems [ in ways which ] would have added to the burden on the United States .
24 Other cities where papal government might have settled were on important trade routes which might have added to the pope 's powers and security : but Rome remained the favoured city of the popes and , in spite of all the difficulties of controlling the city , the senate and the people , the popes were prepared to suffer all sorts of indignities in order to stay in Rome .
25 In fact , however , their very rarity served only to make the procedure arbitrary in the extreme and , indeed , may have added to the reluctance of owners to offer land for development at all .
26 City might well have added to the score minutes later when Ralph Purner struck a shot at goal , but O'Shaughnessy blocked .
27 The alternative approach of defining one or more new registers was rejected because of the complexity it would have added to an already complex set of algorithms .
28 If Guy had n't been holding her , she was sure she would have dropped to the floor .
29 The House of Lords upheld the issuing of an injunction on the ground that the publication would have amounted to a contempt .
30 It was with Rohde that Nietzsche had intended to spend the forthcoming year in Paris on what might have amounted to a non-classical refresher course .
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