Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 At that moment he would have given up every moment of his past and future freedom to have her at his side .
2 Now she would have given up every lingering resentment , every long and bitter hatred , to have the boy back at Adam 's banker , humbly cutting stone .
3 Add a small local earthquake and most men would have given up the ghost .
4 I can not resist saying that when Japan finally exchanges her peaceful simplicity , her admiration for , and artistic appreciation of , Nature 's beauties , and her contented national life , for the storm stress , and hurry of that feverish existence known to the West , she will have given up the substance for the shadow .
5 Had it not been for Pam 's voice cajoling him onward and upward , he would have given up the struggle .
6 At this stage most people would have given up the struggle and for a time settled for Ted , who by now had enlisted new blood into his team , including the trusty old campaigner , John Peyton , and Peter Walker , who was re-engaged as Ted 's campaign manager .
7 I tell you another thing that amazes me , how any one with a Sovereign right , were a Sovereign in those days , could have given up the palace of Westminster which is so beautiful , palace , together I suppose reigned after the Duke of is it ?
8 Though she had been angry with fitzAlan , she would not have blurted out the bare facts to just anyone .
9 A number of changes will have occurred : it will have lost ten to fifteen per cent of its weight through loss of water ; the cell structures in the meat will have broken down ; the proteins will have changed into individual amino acids ( developing the flavour ) ; the muscle filaments — yes , the noble carcass is no more than a collection of muscles , bone and fat — will have broken down a bit and become more tender .
10 ‘ Pray , sir , may I ask you , do you think that if St. Paul happened to be travelling with us and had passed the place where he was born , that he would have pointed out the fact to us ? ’
11 If you ask me , they should have incorporated Catharism into their own theology , it would have filled in a lot of holes … ’
12 4–4 They were unaware that they should have filled in a Schedule for Erection of New Charges but now did so .
13 I could surely have bluffed out the running ; it was the standing under the rod that was the important part , the critical part ; why had n't I realised that ?
14 At one time you could have travelled up the Aspe valley by railway , and entered Spain through a tunnel five miles long under the final ridge .
15 For many people the saddest aspect was the selectors ' policy of playing Randall at number three ; every fan in the country could have told them that he should have batted down the order and that exposing him so early was almost certain to fail .
16 ‘ Surely someone should have checked out the complaints more carefully . ’
17 I might have checked out the financial aspects of buying into the station , but one thing I 've learned over the years is that you can never do too much research .
18 If anything should have shaken up a national psyche for the Germans it was World War two and what it did to them .
19 Next week came , and we never got that half hour , so it must have added up a lot , all throughout the year .
20 Or in North Africa , having left the 11th Field Regiment , he might have sat out the rest of the war in luxury , gaining rank through time and , come the Peace , have been a live major instead of a dead lieutenant .
21 The sceptic might , at this point , complain that while I may have sketched out the functionalist position , I have not provided any convincing arguments as to why one should believe it .
22 All the same , museum curators will have carried out a critical task in selecting the exhibition , in some instances having fended off proposals for inclusions with a political or a particular cultural bias .
23 Had it occurred in the West , competing teams of scientists from many different countries and institutions would have carried out a mass of surveys of the victims and of the environmental damage .
24 The police must surely have carried out a more thorough examination of the rooms since the discovery of the body .
25 The writer had used 4 oz in 80 oz of 32 index fluid and , although I would have carried out a similar treatment as that ten years ago using saline , I consider this type of case nowadays has to be treated in a different manner , with up-to-date fluids and up-to-date knowledge — there are many first class fluids on the market today .
26 The police must have carried out a very thorough search of the premises and she said , threw the book at my client .
27 But for the support of these societies the Cizek school could never have carried out the work that it is doing .
28 Years later , when they told this story , those who had conceived the plan insisted that they would have carried out the attack in their own names , as rebels , and not under the Shah 's authority .
29 An alternative explanation for Abu Nidal involvement was the suggestion that his group might have carried out the killings on behalf of the Iraqi regime ; this version depended on the suggestion that Abu Iyad , while publicly backing the PLO 's pro-Iraqi line , was expressing reservations about it to Arafat in private .
30 Carlo believes , and rightly so , that the British Government should have carried out an environmental study before the route was chosen , not afterwards .
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