Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [conj] he " in BNC.

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1 While this may seem a consolidation of his European realm and role , Charles could not have foreseen that he was to strengthen the future power of the papacy far more than that of his own lineage .
2 There were gulls flying and calling , but I had not disturbed the main colony , and I thought that I would have heard if he had been working below the cliffs at the north-west point .
3 When we arrived at the office , nobody could have guessed that he had a home , or an aged parent , or any interests at all outside his work .
4 She should have guessed that he would try to make contact .
5 John Thaw says he could never have guessed when he started that the show would become so popular .
6 That satisfaction would smartly have evaporated when he reached the clearing and found me gone .
7 I did n't want to get into soap opera conversation about it with him , but on the occasions that we did talk about it , both of us felt that someone , with perhaps a little more eye on reality , would have realised that he should have been in hospital and not at home unable to reach oxygen .
8 Yet , Levine , who died in July 1987 , aged 81 , could not have realised that he was making one of the best investments of his life .
9 Therefore in borderline cases the prosecution might have to rely on the severity of injury and damage , or the noise of the accident , to help prove to the court beyond all reasonable doubt that the driver must have realised that he had been involved in an accident .
10 Jesus ' audience , however , would not have recognised the ‘ son ’ as Jesus because they would not have realised that he was going to die .
11 Surely he must have realised that he was pitting himself against a concern of considerable strength .
12 He said the driver may not even have realised that he had struck the schoolboy , who was walking from his home in Scarisbrick Drive , Norris Green , to Queen Mary Comprehensive , in nearby Long Lane , when the accident happened at the corner of Parthenon Drive and Walton Hall Avenue .
13 But Mr laird said he 'd have stopped if he 'd had to use excessive force .
14 Chlothar may have intended that he alone should succeed .
15 ‘ It is disappointing because he was just getting the hang of Wimbledon and he would have won if he had n't taken the knock at the first bend , ’ said Williams .
16 I should have added that he is an absurd , self-important figure with as much charm and sophistication as your average lavatory brush .
17 He might also have added that he plays the game rather well .
18 On Tuesday nights Sidney Passmore must have sat where he was sitting and on Fridays , the undertaker .
19 It was not necessary , he could have rung once he had arrived , but in this way he committed himself .
20 After hearing a terrible denunciation of practices in which he had willingly taken part in the past , we might have expected that he would have wished to have further clarifications before he left Rome , or that some plan of action would have been agreed .
21 How he expected his career to develop when he contracted this marriage is unclear , but he can hardly have supposed that he would be summoned home by the King when Archbishop Warham died , in order to succeed him as Archbishop of Canterbury .
22 I should never have looked and he should never really have said just look at that , oh aye !
23 From inside the room it must have looked like he was just hopping off into empty space , say goodbye to Buck Rogers , a suicide leap over a thirty-foot drop .
24 They would have laughed Philip out of such a hopeless misalliance … even so , he could have married his colleen and it would n't have mattered because he was the youngest son …
25 It would n't have mattered if he had turned out to be a Celtic supporter at that decisive moment because I had the Celtic team on my tongue all ready to trot out , starting with Kennaway , Cook , McGonigle .
26 The plaintiff 's advisers should be sure that the particulars of his special damage take note of all increases in remuneration which the plaintiff would have enjoyed if he had remained in his pre-accident employment .
27 But my present belief is that if Profumo had come to me for advice ( and my advice , of course , would only have made sense if one postulates that Profumo would have told me the truth ) , I would have recommended that he should throw in the towel ; assert that he had no intention of allowing his private life to be discussed in public ; apologise to the Prime Minister for the embarrassment he had caused both to him and to the party , and withdraw rapidly .
28 1.11 In Roberts v Sparks [ 1977 ] CLY 2643 , where the plaintiff was thrown out of the defendant 's vehicle , the court reduced his damages by 25 per cent because the injuries he suffered would clearly have been avoided by wearing a seat belt ; but it added back 5 per cent for the injuries he would have suffered if he had been wearing a seat belt .
29 Guy 's parents asked if he would live , and were told that he would , but that the doctors would not know how much brain damage he might have suffered until he came out of the coma and regained consciousness .
30 He is horrified by the contemptuous way in which fat Establishment cats speak of workers and it is particularly unfortunate that his enthusiastic support for co-operatives should have foundered because he backed dodgy horses .
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