Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [art] great " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I can well comprehend your daughter 's being upset but , I assure you , I would have given a great deal to prevent it .
2 The Consul General would have given a great deal to stop this exchange going any further but he could hardly say anything without worsening the situation for himself .
3 He would have given a great deal to have sounded less incredulous .
4 Pumfrey would have given a great deal to know .
5 Lost in the malai chain of command , shuffled round from captor to captor , I would not have given a great deal for my chances .
6 This left him an enormous amount of scope for demonstrating the kind of narrative energy that most English fiction-writers would have given a great deal to acquire .
7 Erm , that that that that is a point where the discovery in itself , must have given a great deal of pleasure to a a er a number of people who 've been involved in the , in the research .
8 However , it could have hidden a greater reduction in flow in the deeper layers of the bowel wall , which may be the main site of vascular compromise .
9 After the majestic setting of Old Trafford , Middlesbrough could not have expected a greater contrast than Roots Hall .
10 This appears to be the case even in youth subcultures where one might have expected the greatest changes .
11 These losses all exceed what would be ‘ expected ’ from the areas ' detailed industrial structure ( which would have forecast the greatest rates of decline in Gwent , West Glamorgan and South Yorkshire ) , and the balances can be mapped as ‘ differential shifts ’ ( Figure 5.3B ) .
12 I am afraid I believe a caution would have come a great deal more quickly .
13 In some circumstances this remained true even in straightforward administrative interactions where strings of questions about what was going to happen next sometimes led to complicated and unproductive guessing games , and where a simple clear statement would have saved a great deal of time .
14 ‘ I would have done a great deal more , Hilary , ’ he told her seriously .
15 And in settling what these questions shall be , statesmen have now especially a great responsibility if they raise questions which will excite the lower orders of mankind ; if they raise questions on which the interest of those orders is not identical with , or is antagonistic to , the whole interest of the State , they will have done the greatest harm they can do .
16 King Alfred 's successes may well have owed a great deal to his predecessors , but in the construction of his network of defensive fortresses we see an ability to command similar to Offa 's , and perpetuated by his son Edward the Elder and grandson Æthelstan , who conquered all England for the West Saxon dynasty .
17 He might have met a great hero , or the cunningest of thieves , or some wise and great sage .
18 Here you would have seen a great attraction and opportunities to do well in expanding industries .
19 Even so , it may be doubted that he would have made a greater impact upon the course of history .
20 It may be that he had missed his metier , and that he would have made a greater mark had he gone into politics .
21 ‘ I would have made a great secretary , I love organising things .
22 He would have made a great dramatic actor .
23 Piggy might have been able to save the boys ; as with his sensible , mature attitude resulting from the trauma caused by his parents ' death , he could have made a great impact on the boys .
24 And this must in part have reflected a greater diversity among its patrons .
25 Never though can it have housed a greater galaxy of scientific and industrial leaders than on that Thursday last month .
26 Such similarities would not have surprised the great anatomist Cajal , who , overwhelmed by his first view of the insect optic lobe , wrote :
27 The boy , brought up in poverty and amid the cruelty of London 's East End in the nineties , could have had no greater reward .
28 Since the last war , however , strains of the gonococcus which produce fewer symptoms will have had a greater chance of being passed on before treatment could be instituted .
29 Her publications list appears to consist of only two papers , but she may have had a greater influence than this suggests ( J. White , personal communication ) .
30 The government , at no additional cost to the Exchequer , would have had a greater impact on the individual 's welfare .
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