Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [art] [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 The Princess of Wales may have foreseen the latest controversy over her marriage in the stars .
2 By early next week each of the 400 members of the Association of Futures Brokers and Dealers , the self-regulatory organisation for com modities , should have received the latest proposal from the United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission for ending the wrangle over London firms doing business for American clients .
3 Mr Alan Bleasdale , author of the Channel Four serial GBH , which the four jurors say should have won the best serial prize , joined the row , saying he wanted to share the award .
4 This appears to be the case even in youth subcultures where one might have expected the greatest changes .
5 These losses all exceed what would be ‘ expected ’ from the areas ' detailed industrial structure ( which would have forecast the greatest rates of decline in Gwent , West Glamorgan and South Yorkshire ) , and the balances can be mapped as ‘ differential shifts ’ ( Figure 5.3B ) .
6 They would have endured the worst torment he could have devised rather than betray Resenence Jeopardy .
7 And in settling what these questions shall be , statesmen have now especially a great responsibility if they raise questions which will excite the lower orders of mankind ; if they raise questions on which the interest of those orders is not identical with , or is antagonistic to , the whole interest of the State , they will have done the greatest harm they can do .
8 If it had been impossible for one reason or another to use a boat on the water I would have done the best I could with a plummet and noted what I could see from the banks .
9 Not that it would have done the slightest bit of good .
10 why , in any case , should the Cro-Magnons have felt the slightest urge to exterminate the Neanderthals ( with whom it is thought they could have interbred ) ?
11 There they will have seen the steepest acceleration graph we have ever plotted , with it 0–100mph time of only 14secs and an elapsed time for the standing quarter-mile of 13.9secs . ’
12 Mildred dived for Ethel 's bench , knowing that Ethel would have made the best potion of all , and there it was , dark green and bubbling in the cauldron , with a half-full test-tube conveniently spilling a puddle of the liquid onto the bench .
13 The right hon. and learned Gentleman could have made the shortest speech that he has ever made in the House .
14 Not that this would have made the slightest difference to the outcome .
15 I suspect that wherever she 'd been — on a train to London or at home at Lomond View — it would n't have made the slightest bit of difference .
16 ‘ First , had I chosen to have an abortion or for him to be allowed to die , I would have made the biggest mistake of my life .
17 They lined up like some firing-squad as Messrs Shepherd and Palmer did their best to explain the situation , but only television slo-mo replays would have convinced the sternest of the doubters .
18 He did n't expect to find any as the hotel had recently been refurbished and the KGB would have used the latest available technology , burying it in the plasterwork , the heating and the plumbing .
19 It may be that we could not have had the best of Connors without the worst of him . ’
20 I would n't call those highly inventive moves mere dancing ; they bordered on an act that would have had the best strip-tease artists in the country seething with jealousy .
21 You 'd passed judgement on my morals and decided to punish me for something you could only have had the vaguest idea about .
22 It is unlikely that when they signed they could ever have had the slightest hope of achieving such a reduction .
23 Although few in the audience could have had the slightest idea of what the songs were about , their power to move was undiminished by the language barrier ; such was their skill in vocal expression that the audience could tell which of the songs were mildly comic .
24 Using my 7 × 50 binoculars I was able to locate it at once , though I would not have had the slightest hope of finding it had I not been told exactly where it was .
25 If they had all gone for a midnight swim , we would have had the worst slick since the Torrey Canyon .
26 ‘ If Charles had hung around long enough to notice the state I saw you in , he 'd have thought the worst had happened , Virginia .
27 It is ironic that office building should have become the latest indirect victims of IRA terrorism through increased insurance premiums because , historically , the record of claims made by landlords or tenants has been extremely good .
28 That in itself is a full measure of the standing and ability of the Palace goalkeeper who , but for one of life 's tragedies , might have reached the highest honours in the game .
29 He said : ‘ I could have fielded the best striker in the world against Coventry last weekend .
30 Richard Assheton may have employed the best church architects of his day because he was himself an amateur architect ( he designed a church at Flecknoe , near Daventry , south of Rugby ) and hence may have appreciated the difficulties of architectural design and the ability of talented practitioners to resolve them happily .
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