Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [art] [num] " in BNC.

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1 However , it seems likely that they could have given the 1968 Act a more liberal interpretation since it merely requires a local authority to provide sewerage wherever it can but within the bounds of reason and by no means universally .
2 He would never understand how she could memorize all those complex , impossibly long poems , yet forget the words of a simple song she must have heard a thousand times or more .
3 Radio 3 listeners will have heard the two ‘ previews ’ of the Moszkowski and Paderewski Concertos performed by Lane and Maksymiuk on successive Saturday afternoons during the summer of 1991 .
4 Though there had been in the years leading up to 1832 theoretical choice between these two ways forward , towards political democracy or towards industrial democracy , few would have distinguished the two so sharply before the passage of the Reform Bill .
5 The resulting bill , which was approved by 211 votes to 189 in the House and by 50 votes to 44 in the Senate , would have increased the top rate of income tax from 31 to 36 per cent and would have placed a 10 per cent surtax on millionaires to finance tax relief — particularly in the form of a permanent tax credit of $300 per child — for lower- and middle-income tax payers .
6 If you had been Chief Onlaf , in which order of importance would you have placed the seven requirements for a suitable village site ?
7 ‘ I should have realised the two of you were n't a couple , ’ Vitor reflected , when he had finished his sandwiches .
8 Before the case was finished Dalgliesh would have received a dozen pictures of Lorrimer 's personality , transferred like prints from other men 's minds .
9 It looks as though there lies behind D a chronicle which received additions in Christ Church Canterbury , and at least one of those additions , on Æthelnoth 's journey to Rome , was possibly present in a version which reached St Augustine 's , where it was copied in a slightly modified form into the predecessor of E. St Augustine 's may also have received the 1023 entry in D , but abbreviated it to the single sentence which E now contains .
10 Must have stopped every ten yards between junctions seventeen and eighteen .
11 Good co-ordinated fire might have wrecked the two galleys , and she could have got on course before Crackbene arrived .
12 Foinavon should not have won the 1967 Grand National .
13 Having spent £25,775 on computerisation , the doctors might reasonably have expected a 50 per cent .
14 1 should not have let the three days expire .
15 If they could have , the NZCC would have cancelled the 1931 trip .
16 Many years ago at Cadeby , the outpost of all that is Great Western , it was suggested that the locomotive naming group at Swindon works would have named the 4–4–0 locomotive ‘ Duchy of Cornwall ’ , but with tongue in cheek decided on TRE POL PEN instead , as something of a compliment to that delightful district of the West Country .
17 If I was Wyatt Earp I 'd have shot the four of them .
18 Now I do n't think that 's right , fair or democratic and if we 've shied away from it for years handling this issue and now we 're in the position where this house has total responsibility for the thirty thousand citizens in total of Gibralt it 's not the electorate , the total population , thirty thousand and we continued to deny them vote yet they are citizens of the European union under our own legislation and accepted as such by the European parliament and it is wholly wrong Mr Deputy Speaker that the boundaries that we 're discussing in this bill were not drawn so that and it could easily have been done , that we could have incorporated the twenty odd thousand European union citizens of Gibraltar who do wish to be part of Spain and wo n't be for fifty years or more until it 's been a democracy that long , but to give them the right to vote .
19 They might well have done a thousand years ago , but the Imperial Age converted that horizontal relationship into a vertical one so that Sri Lankan schools still teach vertical history ‘ Ceylon Under British Rule ’ and Senegal continues its cultural obsession with France .
20 It can not have done the YF-23 any good that it was unable to kick the AMRAAMs out of its weapons bay on demand .
21 I might as well have had that shower , she thought drily ; at least I would have felt a hundred times more human .
22 I 've been family member for twelve years and must have seen a thousand children , and of those , barely fifty had both their natural mother and father !
23 It shows how well we are conducting the service , in what is an old bedding factory , after all , and if you 've been to Winchester lately , you will have seen a six million pound record office , with with modern architecture in a prominent position in Winchester , er , which I 'm sure they 're conducting a service , but I 'll bet you that pound for pound we 're giving a far better service in Wiltshire , with our dedicated staff , who 've been there a long time .
24 The West European chemical industry will probably have seen a 1 per cent increase in GDP in 1991 , Freeman added , compared to a forecast rise of 2.1 per cent .
25 Police hoped this would jog the memories of people who may have seen the two .
26 He said someone who was in the area last Friday night or in the early hours of Saturday must have seen the two attackers .
27 He said someone who was in the area last Friday night or early on Saturday must have seen the two attackers .
28 Yes , you could have seen the 1916 Russian epic , King Vidor 's 1955 version with Henry Fonda and Audrey Hepburn , Granada TV 's 1963 Emmy winner , Sergei Bondartchuk 's seven hour effort of 1964 , and in 1972 Rupert Davies and Anthony Hopkins in the BBC version .
29 I know most of you will have seen the 7–0 vs Southampton ( 32 passes was n't it ) , or the 5–1 vs Man Utd , but I reckon the 4–0 murder of Aston Villa ( who were in the top 5 at the time ) at Villa Park and the 6–1 at Hillsborough were some of the best soccer I have ever seen .
30 I honestly believe that the rail workers would n't have accepted the one and a half per cent , other workers would n't have accepted the one and a half per cent if they believed that they were on their own that they were gon na fight in isolation .
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