Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We must have sensed that war was inevitable , as Birtwistle and myself had two feverish years in ‘ 38/'39 , when we made many hard ( in those days ) ascents , including a few pioneering routes .
2 ‘ Those things must have implanted some sort of image in their mind , stimulated the right emotions to make them do it . ’
3 Those kids we saw have assassinated all hope .
4 The two enquiries above clearly have a common source — delays at the DHSS — but the bureaux recording system would not have highlighted that difficulty .
5 The odds cited above would have given little comfort to the man in Kurunagala who , during a rash of cattle thefts , had to pay a ransom for the same animal seven times before finally selling it for the paltry sum of two rupees .
6 Such relative uniformity may also have given greater cohesion to the Angevin Empire , for its major towns from Rouen to La Rochelle and Bayonne shared the Etablissements .
7 ‘ And here lies Aldhelm , who could have given that brother a face and a name , beyond any question .
8 KOMEI Sugawara 's letter and Norm Hadley 's words — like Ian Williams ' in his book ‘ In Touch ’ — must have given worldwide rugby fans another view of Japanese rugby .
9 The dinner would have given many motoring journalists their first chance to see the new Mondeo model , which will replace the Sierra .
10 The crises of 1947 and 1949 might have given strong impetus to planning .
11 Such elders may have given positive meaning to experiences of anxiety , poverty , chronic illness , multiple losses and death .
12 And we think that Gen McCreery would have given short shrift to anyone who tried to pull the wool over his eyes .
13 The authors accept that the course may not have given adequate time to practical skills , but the participants ' inaccurate view of their own skills contributed to their lack of success .
14 He looked at the old man , peering darkly under his down-drawn brows ; and there was one who would have questioned and writhed and wondered , pondering long before he would have given any answer , and then , most likely , regretting the answer he had given , whatever it chanced to be .
15 Whilst Britain was genuinely concerned about honouring its debts there was a high mindedness about it which shut out any consideration of alternatives which , by reducing the obligation to maintain the value of sterling , would have given more scope for domestic planning .
16 We hope to ensure that every candidate will have given some consideration to the issues which affect older people .
17 So while he could have given this kind old Cornish gentleman an eye-opening insight into the plans being made on the Continent of Europe to bring England back within Rome 's jurisdiction , he was content to let his host do most of the talking .
18 Had I been called upon to exercise my discretion , I would have given particular consideration to the great disturbance that I have found the residents suffer .
19 They are particularly anxious to hear from a man they think may have witnessed one attack .
20 The prime minister 's critics say all this is happening too late ; that he should have regrouped last autumn , and that the Canadian Titanic may founder even while the ministers switch deckchairs .
21 Maritz is not returning to the L.P.G.A. She will play in Europe again next season , by which stage she believes that she will have gathered sufficient experience to fix her sights on America .
22 The lack of opportunity for people to travel and study abroad would have hastened that decline .
23 In London and Birmingham particularly , regional policy since 1945 may have hastened this decentralization of industry as industrial-development certificates were required from central government before larger manufacturing developments could be implemented .
24 I would have revised all afternoon .
25 ‘ Still , ’ he added , ‘ you 'll have heard that kind of compliment often enough , I 'm sure . ’
26 And let me tell you , if you were to have come into our servants ' hall on any of those evenings , you would not have heard mere gossip ; more likely , you would have witnessed debates over the great affairs preoccupying our employers upstairs , or else over matters of import reported in the newspapers ; and of course , as fellow professionals from all walks of life are wont to do when gathered together , we could be found discussing every aspect of our vocation .
27 Anyone who has tuned into motor racing on the television will have heard this effect .
28 Unfortunately , Emily Bronte never went to Ireland ( nor did her grandfather travel to England ) , so I am afraid she would not have heard any story ‘ at the fireside on the farm at Drumballyroney in Co .
29 There were many records of such manifestations , from reliable and intelligent observers , who had often described the curious incident before they could possibly have heard bad news from India or Australia , where at that moment a friend 's life was endangered .
30 Japan had few reserves to continue the struggle , though to have admitted this would have courted political disaster .
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