Example sentences of "have [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 We will have to invest in an onion grader someday .
2 Instead they may have formed in a manner similar to many Cordilleran batholiths , from crust that is basaltic ( density 3.0Mgm -3 ) and does not include Precambrian basement-type material .
3 ‘ They would probably have jumped on a train and gone to London .
4 ‘ I 'm afraid they 'll have to agree to a change of day , or it 'll be cancelled .
5 What I would have given for a sesame bap .
6 One upper-class motherless boy moved to live with a great-uncle who ‘ treated me with the same affection which he would have given to a son .
7 An artist has perhaps given as much time to a single major work as a composer might have given to a sonata or whatever it may be .
8 It will then have to contend with a challenge in the British courts over the legal status of Britain 's opt-out from the social chapter .
9 Dickens did n't have to contend with a daily Miles Kington piece , or a weekly Spitting Image , or Drop the Dead Donkey , or Week Ending .
10 During the Second World War , the nation did not have to contend with a significant fifth column or with the equivalent of Vichy collaborators .
11 As a lame duck , he will even have to contend with an unruly Republican contingent in Congress , as the fight to succeed him will begin immediately .
12 You may have to remain with an unsatisfactory state of affairs through most of 1993 , which means that any planned moves will prove heavy-going or much resented .
13 You may have heard of a technique called ‘ path analysis ’ and have wondered if it referred to the methods discussed in this chapter .
14 ‘ I doubt if you 'll have heard of a Romany having a magistrate removed from office either , Mr Peck , but make one arrest here and you 're very likely to be the first . ’
15 If it had landed , my head would have flown like a shied coconut .
16 ‘ And they could have arranged for a taxi . ’
17 PAMELA : I thought , sir , you would have distinguished between a command where my conscience was concerned an a common point .
18 What about which year joined as alternative to years of Membership , since some may have joined as an Associate ?
19 He knew no English and took no interest in what he must have regarded as a far flung outpost of his Angevin Empire — except for the revenues it could bring .
20 Thus , when he suffers what in the past he would have regarded as a disaster , he can move now into the transcendent and in a few moments compose himself .
21 The staff regarded the administration as ‘ firm but fair ’ , and most seemed to appreciate what a younger and better educated workforce might have regarded as a somewhat paternalistic attitude .
22 The jamming and bridging got steeper — with the one big consolation that , strength permitting , you could pop in nuts almost at will — until he reached a ledge which elsewhere he would have regarded as a slab to be climbed , but here seemed a spacious refuge .
23 She was being carried at considerably over the legal speed-limit towards an unknown destination — and quite possibly what a Victorian heroine would have regarded as a ‘ fate worse than death ’ , since she could hardly imagine that Luke had gone to the trouble of virtually kidnapping her in order to spend a quiet weekend playing Scrabble .
24 Tawney 's argument placed ‘ the world of Labour ’ explicitly before his audience , at a time when he and they were concerned about the WEA 's drift towards the middle class — a drift that any radical , like Tawney , would have regarded as an unqualified loss , an opting for the ‘ line of least resistance ’ .
25 If we sh wanted other conditions we 'd live on a different planet or we would have developed on a different plant .
26 Segmentation may have developed as a way of enabling worms to increase their efficiency as burrowers in mud .
27 ‘ I was hoping it would have developed into a serious relationship , ’ he says , a line Best will recognise .
28 At best it seems , a national strike would have developed into a bitter war of attrition which the unions , with their meagre resources , could only have lost .
29 If the Scud attacks had provoked Israel into entering the war , experts say it could have developed into a global conflict .
30 In five years time from now it will have developed into an all powerful , constitutionally independent institution responsible for the Community 's monetary and exchange rate policies .
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