Example sentences of "have [verb] [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 And you could have told the girl on switchboard to remind me — she 'd have given me the message , I assure you . ’
2 I think that if she had n't known us ; that I was a groom and Copper was pretty sensible , she would n't have given me the choice of trying to save him , especially as he was seventeen years old .
3 The arrival of Deacon Billingsley should have given me the satisfaction that my telephone call had been treated seriously , but I sensed this policeman was not going to offer me any satisfaction at all .
4 ‘ I do n't think she would have submitted — I would n't have done in that position — but she would definitely have lost consciousness and that would have given me the title . ’
5 She could easily have given me the push after her dad died , and taken on somebody … well , more presentable , like . ’
6 At least it would have given me the prospect of seeing Mary Shelley again .
7 ‘ Although I must say , Julie , ’ she added , throwing her briefcase down on to a nearby chair , ‘ I do think that you might have given me the ‘ Gypsy 's Warning ’ before I left for work today ! ’
8 There 's another in the keep would have done just as well , but seal or no seal , they 'd have wanted a better tale than I could think of before they 'd have given me the keys of the keep .
9 Mrs Westaway is usually very good at keeping him under control , but he must have given her the slip somehow .
10 Even without the simple affirmation his face would have given her the answer ; he looked pale and drawn , as if he had slept even less than she had .
11 It was gratifying to have people shake her hand who once would n't have given her the time of day , and when she walked through the dreary rooms where evidence of the late Adelaide Morey still abounded she had trouble convincing herself that she was now the mistress here .
12 I think that he may have given her the choice .
13 If she 'd said Carolyn had borrowed a book from Clare and wanted to return it , they 'd have given her the address .
14 This would have given him the opportunity to be a restraining influence against the extremists .
15 The girl must have given him the elbow , Harriet decided .
16 Clearly some forward planning in 1992 would have given him the opportunity to organise his affairs and avoid many of his problems .
17 Hindsight says that if the Lotus mechanics had n't worked so hard and so efficiently and if Emerson had n't been able to race , Jackie Stewart 's two victories in the last grands prix of the season would have given him the championship .
18 ‘ That she should have given him the letter a week after his arrival .
19 Adorno 's recognition of the radical potential of what he called jazz ( see , for example , Adorno 1976 : 33–4 ) could have given him the theoretical space for such an approach ( it certainly means he has no logical grounds for the theoretical closure he operates , only a self-fulfilling pessimism ) ; but he fails to follow his quest into places where he could have found what he sought , and , more damagingly , he excludes the possibility of any other mode of critique than that associated with alienated individualism .
20 If that fool had known what it was , he 'd have given him the money ! ’
21 Also , I may have given him the impression , with the urgency of youth possessed of strong convictions , that I wanted at all costs to have something published on this subject .
22 I would never have given him the sweet if I knew there was acid in it .
23 ‘ I believe it was a very fair offer which would have given him the option of walking away with his dignity , but he said it was derisory and there are no more offers to be made . ’
24 My all-time favourite remark was made by a visiting Chesterfield supporter who watched silently as his team prepared to take a penalty in the dying seconds of a game at Barnsley which would have given them the draw .
25 The call would have given someone the chance to replace the spare set in the security cupboard here .
26 ‘ Come to think of it I 'd have given you the oranges even if you 'd said no . ’
27 This 28-day programme should have given you the opportunity to come to terms with your body .
28 I 'd not have given you the task otherwise ! ’
29 I should have given you the benefit of the doubt . ’
30 ‘ Anyway , she could have given you the study downstairs , ’ continued Hilda .
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