Example sentences of "her [prep] one [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't know bloody well like me , because I told her off one day , told her where to bloody go to .
2 If he 'd had his hands on her for one minute , he could have given her something to remember him by ; if only he 'd spat a single obscenity into her ear before running off , it would have been something .
3 It helped get her through one evening .
4 The man at her side wore sea boots and a thick white sweater , and he looked at her with one eyebrow raised , a small , teasing smile lifting the corners of his mouth .
5 He was looking at her with one eyebrow cocked .
6 What demon was inside him that could take her soul from her with one look ?
7 An old woman with a hunched-up back and a walking-stick was beckoning to her with one hand a few yards away .
8 Turn round ! girl , ’ and swung her round by the shoulders , and while holding her with one hand she ripped the pieces of tape from the end of each plait , before she tore at the hair until it hung in uneven strands ; then she almost lifted Millie from the floor as , using both hands now , she drew the strands together and began forming them into a tight rope-like plait .
9 Then Emmie helped him out of the skip and along the railway ; he clutched her with one hand and held Murgatroyd with the other .
10 Joan did the laundry , washing up , and housework holding her with one arm .
11 When Luke moved her back towards one of the couches , she complied mindlessly , letting him pull her down with him and turning in towards him as he drew her across him , supporting her with one arm while his free hand curved round her , instinct or experience guiding him to the concealed zip of her simple dress .
12 A few yards of material have changed her from one person into another .
13 Caroline paced her bedroom , her furious steps taking her from one end of the handsome room to the other .
14 She was finding it increasingly difficult to sit here , in his home , trying to cope with the spectrum of emotions that chased pell-mell through her from one moment to the next , and at the same time evince a polite interest in Richard 's remarks .
15 He could have answered her in one word .
16 Jealous of Lubor ? ’ and did n't know where she was when , as if he did n't think much of sitting opposite her in one chair while she had the huge couch all to herself , Ven suddenly moved from his chair and came and sat down next to her on the couch .
17 Then she made me promise to get them back to her in one piece within a week and sold me two tickets to a Ward Bond Retrospective at her film club in Ponder 's End .
18 A domestic did miss her on one occasion when her husband and son were present and corrected the situation .
19 Stephanie picked Mary up — Mary liked to be picked up — and perched her on one hip as she walked from bed to bed .
20 I was taken down to Holloway by car , with me on the back seat and her on one side and a male officer on the other side .
21 Quick as a flash , Baba Yaga 's daughter turned her visitor into a needle , stuck her into the birch-broom , and set her on one side .
22 When , for example , Myra played disappointingly in the Scottish Girls ' after having made so big an impact at the Scottish Championship at Lossiemouth , he had to take her on one side and explain that she was far too exhausted , physically , to be able to give of her best : " I told her that she had to learn to pace herself and decide which tournaments she felt to be important . "
23 She said , I 'm going to see her she said and if she has it on I 'm going to take her on one side and I 'm going to say , Miss Anderson will you let me tell you how to dress .
24 Only when the head of accounting ( ’ an ‘ acceptable ’ woman 's role ’ ) took her to one side and showed her the company 's payroll did she realise that while she was bringing in the most revenue , she was being paid the smallest salary .
25 Elizabeth Woodville drew her to one side .
26 As Nellie Tanner started off Sadie called her to one side .
27 When Helen paused , he cannoned into her and she turned , offering a startled apology that turned into a cry of alarm as Goldman shoved her to one side .
28 Two men appeared in front of him , and he caught her wrist and jerked her to one side , raising his sword .
29 Then the hotel ( ‘ Charlie sent us , ’ ) and the assistant manager drawing her to one side ( ‘ I 'm putting you in a suite for a couple of hours .
30 He looked her over , insolently , from head to foot and , putting her to one side , opened the top drawer and pulled out a pair of silk camiknickers in a soft shade of amber .
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