Example sentences of "her [verb] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It had shaken her to see her own first name being written like that by an invisible hand .
2 It would have been an unnecessary and cruel blow for her to see her old home in its state of decay .
3 He was consciously allowing her to see his softer side , and for such a proud , private man that was perhaps the greatest compliment he would ever pay her .
4 I just , I tell you what , I , I know it sounds nasty , but I am glad that Penny is some way has had something that has made her realised what that place was all about .
5 That fact had aroused her enough to make her display her feminine assets to best advantage .
6 It was quite unlike Ace to have left her to carry her own baggage , but of course he 'd had a hard race .
7 ‘ Sarella ? ’ he murmured , shifting his weight a little to enable her to continue her first tentative exploration .
8 After that she was installed ante post favourite for next season 's One Thousand Guineas but then a pulled muscle forced her to miss her next outing , the Lowther Stakes at York .
9 This may be well , but what if God has seen and death ensue , then I shall be no more and Adam wedded to another Eve shall live with her enjoying I extinct a death to think .
10 She had been forced to admit to herself that Liza had not inherited her own fortitude and patience , which had helped her to nurse her future husband back to relative health in a Kent hospital after he had been wounded in the leg during the battle of Arras in 1918 .
11 I would have thought you 'd have spared her reliving it all . ’
12 He begged her to forgive him all he had done amiss , and alter a pause he said , ‘ God has forgiven all my sins . ' ’
13 It was breathed against her lips , as they came up for air , and the erotic fire scorching through her made her dizzy with illicit longing .
14 The sense of whizzing through the snow with only hills and trees around her made her jubilant .
15 So , while that sane part of her made her half turn as though to return to her bedroom , that other part of her , the part that tingled and loved him , caused her then to delay — just for a moment .
16 But she was too distracted to complete the denial , and the breathlessness afflicting her made it unconvincing .
17 After that the conversation had gathered a startling momentum of statements , random guesses , admissions and had ended with her using her foster brother as a confidant — though now she regretted it .
18 Would he invite her to taste his horizontal variations ?
19 She tried reading him Wordsworth and Tennyson and Browning but he would sigh and interrupt her when she did , so she went back to the lighter Kipling poems and he would lie and grin happily to himself and make her read his favourite passages over and over again .
20 Police hope someone may have seen her driving her distinctive renault car .
21 The man standing behind her grasped her left wrist and tucked the arm up behind her back ; his other hand went into her hair , drawing her backwards .
22 Earlier he ends chapter three with a hint of humour saying that many people are not what they seem despite the appearances and begs her to try her utmost not to be worse than she appears , concluding : Here the word " form " is ambiguous referring to his writing as well as to a life-style .
23 Aunt Kit never wrote , it would have shamed her to write my married name on the envelope , but she knitted for the baby , strange , holey garments that stretched to a huge size when I washed them , big enough for a prize boxer .
24 He read out her time of departure , time of arrival and flight number , advising her to write it all down as if she was a half-wit , and she was glad he was n't there to see her face as she scrabbled for a pen and paper .
25 ‘ Three of them raped her , one first forced his hand into her at knifepoint and then made her lick her own blood .
26 Her training and her sense of self-survival told her to consolidate her sexual hold over him .
27 His strong thighs tightened on her , keeping her in place , forcing her to accept his male domination .
28 Being in the middle of Europe , Germany could not do this alone and she formed an alliance with Austria , enabling her to hide her hegemonial ambitions under the label ‘ Mitteleuropa ’ ( Central Europe ) .
29 As I did not now want her to guess my real reason for keeping quiet on this other matter , I used the truth , if not all the truth .
30 It made her forget her past sorrows , but she knew they were waiting like wolves for their moment to attack .
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