Example sentences of "her [adv prt] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 However , rather than getting upset about this it spurs her on to try harder to show that they are worth watching .
2 After she reaches the mountain stronghold of the guerrillas , the ‘ Old Woman with the 2 pistols ’ who leads the guerrillas , commiserates with her , but she rallies round , and makes a speech saying that her husband 's death will spur her on to fight with new vigour for the Liberation .
3 He put her on to Mortgage Business , a company which offers high equity loans for the self-employed .
4 His frankly delighted countenance spurred her on to effort : ‘ I myself , ’ she heard herself saying , ‘ am very much looking forward to going to Japan for the first time .
5 ‘ My cousin is something of a wine connoisseur , Mr Tyler , ’ said Miss Amy Hall as he escorted her in to dinner .
6 It was Robert who took her in to dinner .
7 However , once again it was he who took her in to dinner .
8 He took her in to dinner .
9 When the Rector gravely offered Alexandra his arm to take her in to dinner , Robert 's face fell so utterly that she took his arm as well , and moved lopsidedly from the room between her ill-assorted escorts to the unspeakable anguish of the baby .
10 Well , Herman Schrijver says he will hire a car when the warm weather comes and drive her down to lunch with me in the Green Belt … .
11 Was this his way of cutting her down to size ?
12 It was the sound of a dull thud from the direction of the bedroom which brought her down to earth with shattering finality , icing her blood , freezing her to the spot .
13 At eighteen , in love with love , she 'd accepted his ring and walked on air until common sense had brought her down to earth and made her realise that marriage to him would be a total disaster .
14 It must have been really strange for her , going to a new school all on her own , and a convent school at that , with nuns like great black crows floating down the corridors and carrying her off to chapel .
15 As we shall see , these days the concept of parental responsibility seems to demand considerably more involvement in a child 's education than simply packing him or her off to school every day .
16 Nah — we 'll give her something to make her feel like one of the Blessed , and ship her off to Heaven happy .
17 Disturbed , Isa proposed Wilson and Pilade should come with her up to Bellosguardo for the afternoon and , since no protest was made , she hustled the two of them into her waiting carriage and whisked them off at once , leaving Maria with instructions to be there upon their return .
18 If she let it , the food would jump into her mouth and swell her up to grossness .
19 She snuggled down and began to drift to sleep , memories of Alain holding her here as she wept on that first day , memories of him bringing her up to bed after he had kissed her in the kitchen , fluttering like moths in the light , easing her into sleep .
20 Sally-Anne tossed her head at this , and repeated that it was all nothing — ‘ And really you should not make such a fuss over so little ’ — but all the same she was happy to let Matey help her up to bed ; she felt strangely weak , and the thought of Sunday lunch and washing up , and all the work to be done before the day was over , made her feel worse than ever .
21 ‘ We intend to keep it in its present immaculate condition and to taxi her up to take-off speeds at regular intervals to keep the engines and flight systems in perfect working order .
22 Eve had said not only was she going to be free for lunch , she would meet Benny off the bus and walk her up to University College .
23 They had tied her up to attention , with many a sniggering jest : They had bound a musket beside her , with the parrel beneath her breast !
24 We can hint that a less honourable man could have ground her up to mincemeat . ’
25 How dared he take her up to heaven and then drop her — just like that ?
26 Then the king 's son was so sorry for what he had done that he would willingly have died too , if it would have brought her back to life .
27 We had a row , but telling the police we had a row is n't going to bring her back to life and it is n't going to find out who killed her , because I did n't . ’
28 That brought her back to life .
29 Instinctively she tried to retreat , shrinking within herself , desperately seeking that distant place where she was beyond hurt , but fitzAlan spoke again , pulling her back to awareness with terrifying ease .
30 Oh you see if they want her back to testing they 've got ta pay for the resource to er for us to , to , to recruit somebody else in the meantime .
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