Example sentences of "her [to-vb] [pron] [det] " in BNC.

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1 It had shaken her to see her own first name being written like that by an invisible hand .
2 It was quite unlike Ace to have left her to carry her own baggage , but of course he 'd had a hard race .
3 He begged her to forgive him all he had done amiss , and alter a pause he said , ‘ God has forgiven all my sins . ' ’
4 He read out her time of departure , time of arrival and flight number , advising her to write it all down as if she was a half-wit , and she was glad he was n't there to see her face as she scrabbled for a pen and paper .
5 are provided by a range of resources available to the learner , permitting her to find her own answers .
6 Tell her to find her own dybbuk , I snarl into Rainbow 's ear .
7 Legally this entitled her to choose her own curators — which in this case meant her regent .
8 Rachaela allowed her to choose her own colours .
9 Her feet felt sharp and heavy and round ; her toes like horn ) , and implored her to set her any task , she 'd undertake any ordeal , in return for restoring the bird to human shape and then setting him free .
10 The conversation had seldom strayed from the case and Wickham 's bouncy arrival at the flat and invitation to supper had encouraged her to expect something more .
11 It horrified her to hear her own voice screaming at her husband for his indolence but she could not help herself .
12 Fergus had divined how afraid she was of the doll-mask and had dealt with it in his own way , daring her to let it all hang out , quoting Yeats at her in his Irish voice .
13 The feminist arguments in favour of dialogic forms of language use helped her to clarify her own reasons for employing discursive metaphor and parody , and the gendering by feminists of the notion of the ‘ bad copy ’ enabled her to incorporate her own techniques of mis-representation into a readily recognizable social context .
14 And erm when Glenys is back on the scene get her to level it all out for you .
15 And why was it that this deep empathy with the hard done by inspired her to give him such a hard time ?
16 I told her I did n't want her to do it any more .
17 The linguistic style of the middle-class housewife more easily permits her to describe her own individual feelings about housework than does that of her working-class counterpart .
18 The tendency to judge a woman 's worth , or for her to judge her own worth , by her appearance , was by no means new .
19 He was the only brother who allowed her to live her own life .
20 Mary is holy because God gives her both these roles , enables her to hold them both in balance and empowers her desires and choices from this point of balance .
21 ‘ A girlfriend made me a wonderful big , bright red jumper which I liked so much that I asked her to knit me another .
22 His absences , and an impending change , forced her to face her own feelings .
23 That was another thing — it did n't help her to maintain her own sense of proportion when the rest of the world treated Luke Hunter as if he were some kind of royalty …
24 George knew that she was a bit nonplussed at his eagerness for her to have her own social life .
25 I wanted her to get me some chocolate .
26 ‘ I asked her to marry me that first night . ’
27 ‘ I actually asked her to marry me that first night , and she said yes , ’ says Barry .
28 This reflects , she claims , man 's attitude toward woman in general , split between the ‘ Pygmalion urge ’ to form her to suit his own desire and the ‘ demolition enterprise ’ ( 1991a:247 ) .
29 The feminist arguments in favour of dialogic forms of language use helped her to clarify her own reasons for employing discursive metaphor and parody , and the gendering by feminists of the notion of the ‘ bad copy ’ enabled her to incorporate her own techniques of mis-representation into a readily recognizable social context .
30 Mr Stuart-Moore alleged that Alison 's murderer had forced her to tell him this personal detail after handcuffing her , torturing and assaulting her before killing her .
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