Example sentences of "her [prep] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He fondled her between her long legs for a long time , and she remained still for him .
2 Yet had n't Celia told her about her prolonged labour , and how her aunt had saved the baby by resuscitation ?
3 And why she 'd reacted the same way yesterday evening when Jake had started questioning her about her private life .
4 By then she had acquired a distinctive Geordie accent and she was upset when her friends at school teased her about her rounded vowels and up and down , sing-song voice .
5 Keith Parker , manager of Harpers Sports Centre , where Joanna was a fitness consultant , said her boyfriend had often warned her about her personal safety after dark .
6 One elderly man , eager to speak English , talked to her about her new friends .
7 Elean Thomas talked to her about her new book Soweto Stories , in which she documents her people 's unwavering resistance in the face of the shameful brutality , personal struggle , and systematic humiliation , a part of everyday life under apartheid .
8 The first time it was to stop the defence counsel from questioning her about her sexual history , the second time it was to stop Anderson referring to the victim by her last name , as if talking about a defendent .
9 The sudden tenseness of his jaw suggested that discretion would have been the better part of valour , and so it should have been , if he had n't taunted her about her sexual uncertainty .
10 Why had n't she questioned her about her constant visits to the lavatory first thing in the morning ?
11 Janine seemed to get up some enthusiasm as her mother-in-law chatted to her , telling her about her own difficult marriage , and how it was hard when one was young and unsure of oneself .
12 She gave Anne potted biographies of all the other patients and told her about her own treatment .
13 The rest of the cast seemed blissfully unaware of his absence , and not one questioned her about her own disappearance .
14 They 'd write a poem for her about my greatest fear , I said I remember last year there was a boy called Ali and he wrote a story about a poem about this bird and cos he was really scared of that and so I said I do n't suppose any of you will write about being scared of me except perhaps Adine !
15 When I returned , Jan looked at me knowingly , as if darling Basil had told her about my embarrassing hump , third leg and cocaine habit .
16 I think my mum is still in a state of shock after I told her about my Irish selection . ’
17 What was important to her was sitting here , like this , with Simon telling her about his personal life .
18 Her home was on the other side of Belsize Square , and he would often drop in at night to tell her about his latest ideas , just as he had done earlier with Dulcie Howes and was to continue doing with one friend or another all his life .
19 He told her about his old school .
20 But when Clift confided in her about his homosexual tendencies , she referred him to a colleague whom she felt could help him infinitely more than she could .
21 We met mainly at meals , which I enjoyed , not only because I liked her and could still indulge myself foolishly and talk with her about our special patient in Marcus , but also as Daisy , being so near the end of her training , had several friends amongst the staff nurses .
22 He 'd tell her about it one day , she thought .
23 I meant to ask her about it this afternoon , but she 'd lots of other people there .
24 She has done , I went to speak to her about it last Friday , but she was diverted cos
25 I er I forgot about them the night before and I forgot to tell her about it last night so .
26 To this the Queen returned a gracious reply which while maintaining the full impartiality of the Crown encouraged me to continue to do my best to serve her as her First Minister .
27 Gradually she got used to thinking of Angel as Corrie , but it soon became clear that she would never be able to claim her as her own .
28 And Marie and Peter will love her as their own .
29 After three years fostered to a kindly couple who treated her as their own , she went back to live with her mother .
30 His confidence in the Queen 's ability to ‘ bounce back ’ seems to be borne out in surveys , with 10 per cent more people than a year ago naming her as their favourite royal .
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